2. Normal cruise airspeed is maintained to the IAF. 3. At the IAF:
a. TIME - Start the clock's sweep second hand - approximately 4 1/2 minutes are needed
to reach a point 5nm from the PAP. (16.0 - 5= 11nm; 11 -2.5= 4.4 minutes). Timing is
not required if DME IS available.
b. TURN - Turn in shortest direction to intercept the intermediate approach course
(1) No descent is required; maintain normal cruise airspeed until within 5 NM of
(2) If further descent is required, use terminal descent procedures to the altitude
specified and level off at normal cruise airspeed. Maintain 150 KIAS until with 5 NM
of the FAF.
(3) AT 5 NM from the PAP (10-15 NM from the field if the procedure has no PAP)
check airspeed below 150 KIAS and lower the gear. Maintain level flight as the
airspeed decreases. Complete the Landing checklist.
NOTE: Inbound form the IAF ATC may request you to maintain airspeed to expedite the
approach. Transition to BAC as appropriate but adjust power to maintain airspeed requested by
ATC, if possible. If a descentis required use terminal descent procedures.
d. TWIST -
(1) Twist the IAC into the OBS (210).
(2) Continue intercept/tracking of IAC.
f. TALK - Report IAF, leaving altitude if appropriate.
"Corpus Approach, Turbo 11, WORRY inbound
APP CONT: "Turbo 11, Corpus approach, roger, contact Corpus Tower at the final
approach fix."
"Turbo 11, WILCO."
4. Procedures at the PAP are identical to those used on all other approaches. Perform the six
"T's." Remember that a turn to the PAC will be required.
Introduction - Radar vectors to final approach course is a procedure used by Approach
Control to increase the arrival rate of aircraft at airports and to establish aircraft on the final
approach course through the most expeditious routes consistent with traffic situations. Previous
discussions have emphasized aircrew navigation procedures to establish your aircraft on the
inbound course to the final approach fix (FAF). However, approach control agencies with radar
capability will, more often than not, vector you from your position on the airway directly to the
final approach course, thereby eliminating the "procedure turn" portion of the approach.
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