Although this routing does indeed expedite arrival at your destination, it has one
characteristic of which you should be aware - the lack of published minimum altitudes until
joining a segment of published approach. Approach Control has the statutory responsibility for
ensuring terrain clearance while vectoring you for the approach. This is done through the use of
MVA (Minimum Vectoring Altitude) charts superimposed on its radar displays. However, the
NFO who wishes to double check the controller must depend largely upon the minimum safe
altitudes published on the approach plate and a constant awareness of his own position.
Good technique and good sense dictate that you never fully relinquish the responsibility for
terrain clearance to outside agency. Never blindly follow vectors from a controller be aware of
what lies ahead on your assigned heading. If in doubt as to the appropriateness of a given
instruction, make an inquiry.
Procedure - A request for radar vectors to the final approach course may be initiated by the
aircrew or may be issued by Approach Control with the aircrew's consent. In either event the
crew must ensure the appropriate navaid is tuned and identified and the final approach course is
set in the IND-350.
The pilot must then follow the radar vectors assigned by Approach Control to intercept the
final approach course. If a descent is required, it is performed using terminal descent procedures.
Usually Approach Control will have the aircraft descend to final approach course is set in the
The crew will be advised of their position relative to the navaid on a VOR approach. Slow to
120 knots when the aircraft position is within ten NM of the field (five NM of FAF on a TACAN
approach), 30 radials of the inbound course and 90 degrees heading of the FAC.
Once you are cleared for the approach and are established on the inbound course or a shallow
intercept, transition to BAC and perform the landing checklist. Once the BAC transition is
complete, the remaining procedures are identical to those used on previously introduced
1. Procedures for Radar Vectors to Final Approach Course (Figure 20)
a. Initiate request for radar vectors to final approach course.
"Pensacola Approach, Turbo 11, 5500' information B, request vectors
to TACAN final."
APP CONT: "Navy Turbo 11, roger squawk______________."
"No verbal response is necessary.
APP CONT: "Navy Turbo 11, Pensacola Approach, radar contact 20 miles west of
Sherman field. Turn left heading 060, vectors to TACAN final
approach course runway 25L at Navy Pensacola. Descend and
maintain 3000; Sherman altimeter 30.06."
"Turbo 11, left 060, leaving 5500 for 3000, altimeter 30.06."
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