ceiling or visibility is reported to be below minimums, but must request an approach with
acceptable weather minimums or clearance to your alternate.
NOTE: At some point prior to reaching the missed approach point, the crew shall review the
missed approach procedure.
3. Normally, ATC will switch you form Center frequencies to Approach frequencies in the
vicinity of your destination. Initiate contact with Approach Control using the standard format.
4. When cleared for an approach prior to the IAF do not descend below the last assigned
altitude unless:
a. A new altitude is assigned by ATC.
b. The aircraft is established on a segment of a published feeder route or instrument
procedure. (For aircraft on an unpublished route or radar vectors, ATC should not issue approach
clearance until the aircraft is so established unless they also give an altitude assignment.)
Introduction - A procedure turn approach is an instrument maneuver used to reverse direction
to establish an aircraft inbound on the intermediate or final approach course. Procedure turns are
depicted by a "barb" symbol on the approach plates which indicates on which side of the
outbound course using to complete the turn (figure 8). Headings are provided to reverse course
using a 45 type maneuver. However, the point at which the turn may be commenced, and the
type and rate of turn, are left to the discretion of the pilot as long as the procedure turn is
executed on the proper side of the outbound course and the "Remain Within" distance (normally
10 NM) is not exceeded. Some of the options are the 45 procedure turn, the racetrack pattern,
the teardrop procedure turn, or the 80-260 course reversal.
NOTE: When a teardrop procedure is depicted (figure 9) and a course is required, this type turn
must be executed.
Do not execute a procedure turn when:
1. Radar vectors to the final approach course are provided.
2. A holding pattern is specified in lieu of a procedure turn (Figure 10).
3. Approach can be made from a properly aligned holding pattern (Figure 11).
4. The procedure specifies "No PT," no procedure turn.
5. The planview does not depict a procedure turn "barb" symbol.
Procedure - The following procedures assume clearance for the VOR RWY 5 approach at
Greenwood (Figure 8) has been received and you are proceeding to GRW (the IAF) at 4000 ft.
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