In Figure 28, if we wanted to intercept the 330R we would apply rule two. Since we are
presently on the 350R and we desire to be on the 330 R (20 left of 350) we must turn the
aircraft 20 left of 330 to 310. Once established on a heading of 310R, the tail of the needle
will move left and eventually reach the 330" R.
Figure 28
Now let us shift our discussion to tracking inbound on a radial. Tracking inbound will differ
in some ways from the techniques you have already learned. Instead of using the tail of the
#2 needle you will now be using the head. The head behaves in a manner different from the tail.
Rule Three: In order to intercept a certain course, determine how many degrees to the right or
left the head of the #2 needle must move, and then turn that same number of degrees to the
opposite side of the head of the #2 needle. (i.e. the head falls)
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