Now that you know in what direction to turn, how far should you turn? Of the two rules
which govern the amount of turn, one involves tracking outbound only, while the other involves
tracking inbound only. The two can not be interchanged.
Rule Two: In order to intercept a certain radial when tracking outbound, determine the
difference in degrees between the radial you are on and the radial you desire. Apply the
difference in the proper direction (according to Rule One) to the radial you want to intercept.
In Figure 26, Rule Two gives a heading of 190 + 5 = 1950.
In Figure 27, you are on the 090R but want to establish yourself on the 090R. You want the
tail of the needle to swing left, so the turn will be to a heading left of the tail. The difference
between 093R and 090R is 3. Utilizing rule two applying 3 to the desired radial results in a
heading of 087. Therefore, if you turn to 087, you will intercept the 090 radial.
Figure 26
Figure 27
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