should be used to initiate a position from which the bearing line can be attained. If the Lead is
cross-circle from Wingman's position, the Wingman should maneuver to put his nose just in
front of the Lead's nose in order to close the distance on the Lead. Once the Lead has moved
approximately 30 beyond Wing's nose, maneuver to put Wingman's aircraft nose in front of
Lead's aircraft again to continue closing. Once Wingman has closed to a suitable distance, the
Wingman should maneuver to attain fuselage alignment. If the Lead gains visual contact first, he
will call "visual" and radio the Wingman the Lead's relative position from the Wingman to help
gain sight of the Lead. Angle of Bank during the day may vary as necessary and is limited to
45 at night.
Figure 3-14 TACAN Rendezvous
Join-Up/Observation/Contact/Fuel Transfer
Join-up begins with the tanker clearing the receiver(s) to the observation position. When cleared
by the tanker, the receiver will establish the observation position, which is at approximately a
45 bearing off the tanker 200 feet aft and 200 feet out and at level altitude. The observation
position should allow the tanker's observers to monitor the receiver formation and observe the
receiver's movement to the precontact position. After the receiver reports the observation
position, the tanker will clear the receiver into the precontact position, which is approximately
50 feet below the tanker's altitude and 100 feet aft behind either wingtip of the simulated tanker.
The receiver will maintain this position for approximately 1 minute to stabilize. The tanker will
clear the receiver to the contact position, approximately 50 feet low and 50 feet aft slightly offset
to the left or right of the tanker's wingtip directly behind the tanker's wingtip. If movement
behind the tanker is required, a crossover or crossunder will be executed as appropriate. After
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