Figure 3-13 Enroute Overtaking Rendezvous
TACAN Rendezvous
A TACAN rendezvous is a visual circular rendezvous employed to rendezvous a flight above the
weather after takeoff or during the mission if the flight is separated. The TACAN rendezvous is
normally executed in a left-hand turn tangent to the briefed TACAN fix (radial/DME) at a
specified airspeed, altitude, and direction (inbound or outbound). Figure 3-14 illustrates points
around the rendezvous circle are numbered from 1 to 4, with point 1 located at the TACAN fix
and sequential positions located at 90 intervals around the circle. Upon reaching the TACAN
fix, the Lead simultaneously calls his "call sign, point 1" and commences a 30 AOB turn in the
briefed direction. Passing each 90 position, the Lead transmits his position number until the
Wingman acquires a visual. The Lead must adjust the rendezvous turn to compensate for wind,
ensuring point 1 is always at the briefed TACAN fix. The Wingman will fly toward the point 1
fix, 500 feet below the briefed rendezvous altitude and will remain 500 feet below until the Lead
is in sight. At night, the Wingman will remain 500 feet below the lead until established on
bearing. The Wingman will transmit his position and initiate a turn in the briefed direction using
AOB as necessary. Each flight member will report his position, as required, in the rendezvous
circle as he passes a numbered position. From position reports, the Wingman establishes an idea
of the Lead's relative position, narrowing his visual search for the Lead. When the Wingman
sees the lead, the Wingman will call "visual" and fly to the rendezvous bearing line, climb to the
Lead's altitude, and proceed with a standard CV rendezvous. Initially, if the Lead's aircraft is
behind Wingman's wing line when a visual sighting is attained, then Wingman should proceed to
the center of the circle and maneuver aircraft in the lead/lag manner. The concept of lead/lag
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