primary pitch reference. The turn needle/ball is referenced for roll. During climbs/descents, the IVSI is a
secondary scan instrument as it is usually ineffective unless the airspeed is stable within 1 KIAS and the
nose attitude within 1 and must not be chased.
If proper full panel scan has been developed, partial panel will not be difficult. Major problems in partial
panel often result from attempting to use the IVSI as a primary instrument to stabilize airspeed or execute
climb rates without cross checking altimeter and clock, failure to trim, and fixating on individual
(1) Refer to Figure 2-1.
(a) Straight and level (1 min.)
1. 650 ft-lbs. torque (approx.)
2. 150 KIAS
(b) Climb 1000' at 500 FPM while executing a left SRT for 360 (2 min.)
1. 900 ft-lbs. (approx.)
2. 150 KIAS
(c) Transition to straight and level (1 min.)
1. 650 ft-lbs. torque (approx.)
2. 150 KIAS
NOTE: Turns are executed by timing. Once wings level, request heading and correct to base heading utilizing a
timed turn.
(d) Descend 1000' at 500 FPM while executing a right SRT for 360 (2 min.)
1. 450 ft-lbs. (approx.)
2. 150 KIAS
(e) Transition to straight and level (1 min.)
1. 650 ft-lbs. torque (approx.)
2. 150 KIAS
NOTE: Turns are executed by timing. Once wings level, request heading and correct to base heading utilizing a
timed turn.
Unusual Attitude Recovery (Full and Partial Panel). During IMC flight, there is the possibility that scan
breakdown, vertigo, or attitude gyro failure may result in an unusual attitude. In an unusual attitude, the
attitude gyro may be of little assistance if it tumbles or becomes difficult to interpret. Knowing the factors
contributing to vertigo can help us avoid it (refer to the IFM). Learn to rely upon a partial panel scan to
visualize and execute a recovery. Practical problems simulate these conditions and are practiced to acquire
the correct recovery techniques.
(1) Entry. The maneuver is begun on a base altitude and heading. It is entered in one of two ways: either
by you flying the aircraft with your eyes closed or by having the IP fly the aircraft while you have your
eyes closed. The IP will direct you to open your eyes after you have entered an unusual attitude.
(a) Level the wings by referencing the attitude indicator if available, or turn needle and ball.
(b) Stop altitude loss/gain by referencing the altimeter, IVSI, and airspeed indicator.
(c) Regain 150 KIAS while maintaining straight and level flight by setting normal cruise power (600-
700 ft-lbs. torque), referencing the attitude indicator if available, turn needle/ball, and the altimeter.
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