(d) When the aircraft is stabilized in straight and level flight, return first to base altitude, and then base
NOTE: If at any time the airspeed exceeds 200 KIAS, reduce power. If at any time airspeed drops below 100 KIAS,
smoothly advance power to 800-900 ft-lbs. torque.
217.Approaches to Stalls. Refer to FAM Stage for a description of approaches to stalls.
218.Partial Panel Approach to Stalls.
(1) Entry. Partial Panel approaches to stalls are performed in the same manner as FAM approaches to
stalls, with the following exceptions: Power Off, landing configuration, raise the nose until an initial rate
of climb of not more than 500 FPM is established on the IVSI; all others, raise the nose until an initial rate
of climb of 1000 FPM is established. Once the rate of climb is set, hold the attitude but do not attempt to
maintain the rate of climb by continuing further back stick pressure. Maintain wings level by referencing
the turn needle and ball.
NOTE: Partial panel approach turn stalls shall not be performed.
(2) Recovery. The objective of the recovery is to minimize altitude loss while accelerating to flying speed.
Large pitch or flap configuration changes should be avoided to prevent further aggravation of the stalled
condition. The following procedures should be used when approaching or in a stall:
(a) Decrease AOA by simultaneously reducing yoke back pressure, maintaining wings level, and
smoothly adding maximum allowable power. This alone will allow the aircraft to recover under
most conditions.
CAUTION: Rapid advancement of the power levers may result in asymmetrical thrust. Smooth and deliberate
advancement of the power levers will promote even spool-up. Directional control can be maintained with proper
rudder application.
(b) Arrest descent by increasing pitch and accelerate.
(c) Once the aircraft is in level or climbing flight with 85 KIAS or greater indicated, raise the flaps to
approach (unless already at approach or up).
(d) Raise the landing gear.
(e) Raise the flaps to full up.
(f) Recovery is complete when established on assigned heading in a climb, at or above 110 KIAS.
Instrument Takeoff (ITO). ITO procedures and techniques are used during takeoff at night, over water or
deserted areas, and during periods of reduced visibility. Takeoff is accomplished by a combined use of
outside visual reference and flight instruments. The amount of attention given each instrument varies with
experience, type of aircraft and existing conditions. The possibility of an abort must be considered before
attempting an ITO. Pitot heat and other anti-icing equipment should be used as appropriate. Align the
aircraft with runway centerline and complete the Takeoff Checklist. Pay special attention to the heading
and attitude indicators for any errors. Release the brakes simultaneously and use visual reference on initial
roll. Smoothly apply maximum available power. As the takeoff roll continues, transition from outside
references to the heading, airspeed, and attitude indicators. The rate of transition is directly proportional to
the rate at which outside references deteriorate. It is essential to establish an instrument scan before losing
outside references. At rotation, set the takeoff attitude (7-10 degrees up) using the attitude indicator as the
primary reference. Check the IVSI and altimeter for positive rate of climb and call for gear up. While the
gear is retracting, attitude should be adjusted to provide an increase in airspeed while climbing, until the
normal climb schedule airspeed is reached.
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