Route Planning.
Study airspace descriptions located in the AIM. Carefully review the sectional chart legend. After
obtaining your initial weather outlook, you are ready to plan the flight. The route must include at least one
uncontrolled civil field with a runway adequate for landing in accordance with Standard Operating
Runway width is not charted. It must be obtained from the IFR or VFR Supplement, Airport/Facility
Directory, IAP, or a commercially available guide. Entry to a field inadequate for landing is not prohibited,
although only a low approach would be permissible.
NOTE: Landing at a field with less than prescribed minimums is not prohibited during an emergency. The pilot's
experience and nature of the emergency must ultimately determine which field is suitable.
Time Enroute and IAS.
The flight should be planned for 1.3 hours enroute time, and 0.2 hours for an uncontrolled traffic pattern
entry. If the route is flown with two VNAV students, it should be planned for 3.0 hours enroute (fuel
reserves permitting) and a separate uncontrolled pattern entry of 0.2 hours for each student. Ensure
forecast wind is considered. Normal enroute IAS is 180 knots; however, the route may be flown at any
speed between maximum range and maximum cruise. IAS should normally be maintained as a constant.
When planning the route, look for easily recognizable checkpoints such as airports, railroad tracks crossing
major roads, large lakes, major bridges, interstate highway intersections, large towns, etc. Small towns,
secondary roads, radio towers without unique features nearby, small lakes, etc., make poor checkpoints.
Routes should normally be flown directly to destination, or each turn point (if a specific route is mandated).
NOTE: If the route is to be flown at an altitude conflicting with airport traffic patterns, wildlife refuges, etc.,
course deviations are approved. On direct routes, unless directed by ATC, deviation around Class B and C
airspace, etc., simply to avoid conversing with the controlling agency, is considered unprofessional and not
If charted, the arrival route should be planned to end over a designated VFR arrival point. A magenta flag
depicts these points with a name for the checkpoint. ATC is familiar with the checkpoints and normally
has a prescribed flow pattern from the point. These points may also be convenient when requesting radar
service for departure.
When departing NAS Corpus Christi on VNAV routes, the following points may be utilized for departure:
Seagull. Request a Seagull departure with a Port Aransas or Baffin Bay transition. Comply with normal
Seagull departure until one wingtip offshore at 2500'. Turn north or south to transit the beach. Utilize
Approach for advisories. Abeam Port Aransas or Baffin Bay, proceed on course.
Point Sunrise. Request a Sunrise departure with a Baffin Bay or Laureles Ranch HQ transition. Contact
Cabaniss Tower over Sunrise. Remain clear of the Cabaniss pattern and descend immediately to 1000'
abeam the field, southbound. Be alert for Cabaniss traffic inbound from Baffin Bay at 1500'. Contact
Approach for advisories. Over Laureles Ranch HQ or Baffin Bay, proceed on course.
Request a Sunrise departure with a Driscoll, Banquete, Mathis, Factory, Sinton, or Bayside transition.
Approaching Sunrise, contact Approach for instructions and advisories prior to penetrating the Class C.
VFR On Course Departure.
Request radar advisories for a Baffin Bay, Laureles Ranch HQ, Driscoll, Banquete, Mathis, Factory,
Sinton, or Bayside departure. State enroute cruising altitude when making the request. After takeoff,
contact Approach for advisories. Maintain altitude assigned by Approach (if required) until clear of the
Class C.
When approaching NAS Corpus Christi on VNAV routes, the following points may be utilized for arrival:
On Course Arrival. Obtain ATIS then contact Approach and report Baffin Bay, Laureles Ranch HQ,
Driscoll, Banquete, Mathis, Factory, Sinton, Rockport, or Bayside. Fly direct to Navy Corpus or as
instructed by ATC.
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