Course Rules Arrival. Obtain ATIS. Contact Approach at approximately 25 nm for advisories. Fly one
wingtip offshore at 1000' until in position for a normal Lima or Shamrock entry.
Chart Preparation.
When the route has been determined, pencil course lines on the chart. Do not ink, highlight, or obliterate
charts in any way. Sectional charts are normally only printed twice yearly. Care must be exercised in
plotting and folding, as the charts must be utilized a number of times prior to replacement.
Prepare a no wind jetlog. Utilize the card edge to make a "mileage ruler" using the north-south oriented
longitude lines for scale. Each small tick mark on a sectional chart represents 1 mile, with 5 mile marks
slightly longer. Ten mile lines are heavier and extend on both sides of the line. Every 30 miles full
latitude/longitude lines are provided.
Utilize checkpoints along the route for each turnpoint and additional points as required for navigation.
Selection of checkpoints is at pilot's discretion based on best available landmarks.
Plotting Magnetic Course.
Plot the magnetic course for each leg using either of the following methods:
Lay a parallel ruler (or straight edge if one isn't available) over the course line for the leg. Locate a
convenient charted NAVAID compass rose. Transfer the line to the compass rose and read magnetic
Determine true course by transferring a plotter from the course line to a longitude line. Variation figures
are conspicuously displayed by hashed magenta isogonic lines. Compute magnetic course.
TC - Variation (E) = MC
TC + Variation (W) = MC
Record the course between each turn point on the jetlog. Lightly pencil in the course, and a small
"direction of flight" arrow on the chart.
NOTE: In the event of directional gyro failure the wet compass must be utilized to provide heading information.
Apply any known installation error (deviation) to indicated heading. Readings should be taken only during level
unaccelerated flight. Windshield anti-ice, windshield wipers, air conditioner, and electric heat must be secured to
obtain accurate information.
Utilize dividers, jetlog "mileage ruler", or any aeronautical ruler with a compatible scale, to measure
mileage between checkpoints. Fill in mileage on the jetlog.
Check NOTAMs for departure, enroute, destination, and divert fields. Be alert to temporary flight
restrictions designated by NOTAM. These typically are issued to cover special events such as the Super
Bowl or presidential visits, forest fire suppression efforts, SAR activities, etc.
After receiving a final weather brief, complete a wind-corrected jetlog and flight plan (DD-175 or FAA
(see Figure 6-1), whichever is to be filed). File the flight plan ensuring you keep a copy. Leave a copy in
the Squadron Duty Office if departing on a cross country.
NOTE: It is not required to file a delay for an uncontrolled field entry. Account for the delay in the total time
When filing flight plans by phone, the FSS specialist completes an identical form. It is not necessary to
read the title of each block of information, only the input. A typical call might be: "I have a VFR flight
plan to file, are you ready to copy?" "VFR, NAVY 1 GOLF 411, Tango 44 slant Romeo, 188 knots, Austin
Robert Mueller, 1630 Zulu, 4500.... etc."
Departure. Prior to strapping in, ensure items required in flight are neatly stowed, and accessible from the
cockpit. Fold the departure chart so that the route is visible. Always ensure the low chart and IAPs are
readily available. Conduct one last inventory to account for all required items.
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