Part 4 contains graphical notices of items impacting flight operations in the following areas:
General Information, Special Military Operations, Major Sporting and Entertainment Events,
Northeast United States, Southeast United States, East Central United States, South Central United
States, Southwest United States, Northwest United States, Alaska/Hawaii and Special Airshow
(7) GPS NOTAMs. Are accessed through the DINS web page by entering the 4-letter identifier KGPS.
When entered, this identifier will yield the individual satellite information useful for updating Flight
Management System (FMS) database information. GPS NOTAM information regarding GPS approach
availability is obtained by entering the 4-letter ICAO airfield identifier on the NOTAM home page.
Jeppesen NavData NOTAMs, which highlight significant changes affecting our database in the T-44, can
be found on the Jeppesen website (http://www.jeppesen.com/onlinepubs/navdatanot.phtml)
DoD NOTAM Web Site (http://www.notams.jcs.mil). The NOTAM web site is broken down into six
separate pages; the Home page/Military NOTAMs, Center Area NOTAMs, US Army Europe, European
Low Levels, EUCARF and ICAO Lookup. The following three pages provide the information we need
here in the United States.
Home Page/Military Notices to Airmen Page. Input the four-letter ICAO identifiers for the
airfields you want to check NOTAMs for. You can enter up to 10 ICAO identifiers at any one
time. You may also enter FIR identifiers, MOA names, special use airspace identifiers and
ARTCC identifiers to check their NOTAMs as well as KFDC and KGPS to check FDC and GPS
NOTAMs respectively. Click the "View NOTAMs" button to view the current NOTAMs for your
selections. NOTAMs are displayed in plain language text unless "raw" format is selected. When
raw format is selected, NOTAMs are presented in the international, machine-readable, ICAO code
format with multiple report fields, NOTAM series and NOTAM numbers displayed.
Center Area NOTAMs Page. Check the boxes for Attention Notices and Flight Data Center
(FDC) Regulatory Notices. Check the boxes for the appropriate Air Route Traffic Control Centers
(ARTCCs). Click the "View Notices" button to view the current NOTAMs for your selections.
ICAO Lookup Page. This page contains a geographic listing of all sites covered by DINS
allowing the user to find the four-letter identifier of the desired airfield and to determine if an
airfield is covered by DINS and the USNS.
DINS Web Page Limitations. It is important to understand the DINS web page, while updating on a real-
time basis, does not auto-refresh the information. This means that while the page is current up to the
minute when it is originally accessed, no further updates are received unless the page is "refreshed" by
clicking VIEW--REFRESH, or by reentering the selected ICAO identifiers and clicking on "view notices".
Furthermore, new NOTAMs are not highlighted in any way. The only way to tell if information has
changed is by comparing what you received earlier to what is currently being displayed. You must recheck
the NOTAM web site prior to all flights to ensure you have the latest NOTAMs.
The FAA NOTAM Distribution System. Unlike DINS, which allows pilots to check their own NOTAMs,
the FAA NOTAM Distribution System is based on a verbal briefing system. To obtain a verbal briefing,
contact a Flight Service Station (FSS). The easiest way to accomplish this is to call 1-800-WX-BRIEF.
The FSS Briefer will provide you with NOTAM D information for any field you request. NOTAM L
information must be requested from the servicing FSS or directly from the airfield. Flight Service Stations
maintain a file of FDC NOTAMs affecting conditions within 400 miles of their facility. FDC information
concerning conditions more than 400 miles away from the FSS, or is already published in the NTAP, is
given only on request. The Flight Service Station briefer assumes you have looked at the appropriate
sections of the Notices to Airman Publication. They will not brief the information contained in the NTAP
unless specifically requested.
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