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from your military departure field Base Ops facility or from the civilian field's servicing FSS after you
called them directly and passed your departure message). (see "Departure Message" below)
(2). If on a VFR flight plan, upon canceling or completing the flight under the flight plan, the pilot-in-command
shall close the flight plan with a FSS or ATC facility.
You must check the applicable NOTAMs before every flight for your departure field, destinations, possible
alternates, and the airspace in between. Select the appropriate option under the "Flight Planning" page on
the squadron web site or access the computer at Base Ops that has the DoD NOTAM Web Site displayed
continuously. For flight planning purposes, Notice to Airmen (NOTAM) information is available from the
U.S. NOTAM System (USNS) via the DoD Internet NOTAM Distribution System (DINS). To fully
understand where and how to get all available NOTAM information, you should understand the USNS.
DoD Internet NOTAM Distribution System (DINS). DINS is composed of a large central data
management system deriving information from the US Consolidated NOTAM Office at the FAA Air
Traffic Control Command Center located at Herndon, VA. Real-time NOTAM information is maintained
and made available through the internet. Coverage includes all military airfields and virtually all domestic,
international, and Flight Data Center (FDC) NOTAMs. If not covered by DINS, the airfield does not
transmit NOTAM data to the USNS. In such a case, you must contact the desired location directly for
NOTAM information.
NOTAMs - Definition. NOTAM is an unclassified notice containing information concerning the
establishment of, condition of, or change in an aeronautical facility, service, procedures or hazards; the
timely knowledge of which is essential for safe flight operations. NOTAM abbreviations are explained in
the Flight Information Handbook (FIH) and the Notices to Airmen Publication (NTAP).
NOTAMs Types. Listed are seven different types of NOTAMs.
(1) Military Summary Reports (Previously known as Installation NOTAMs). These NOTAMs contain
information about individual military aerodromes; runway closures, NAVAID outages, frequency changes,
runway lighting, etc.
(2) Flight Data Center (FDC) NOTAMs. The most important thing to know about FDC NOTAMs is they
are regulatory. FDC NOTAMs contain important information such as amendments to published
approaches, chart changes and temporary flight restrictions. FDC NOTAMs are broken down into the
following categories: General FDC NOTAMs, Air Route Traffic Control Center (ARTCC) FDC NOTAMs,
and Airports, Facilities & Procedural FDC NOTAMs.
(3) Attention Notices. Attention Notices are general notices applying to military pilots. They are broken
down into the following groups with the associated abbreviation; All (ATTA), USAFE (ATTE), North
America (ATTN), Caribbean and South America (ATTC) and PACAF (ATTP).
(4) Civilian "D" (Distant) Series NOTAMs. These NOTAMs are the civilian equivalent of a Military
Summary Report NOTAM. They contain information about individual civilian aerodromes; runway
closures, NAVAID outages, frequency changes, runway lighting, etc.
(5) Civilian "L" (Local) Series NOTAMs. These NOTAMs are equivalent to a military airfield advisory.
L Series NOTAMs contain information that doesn't require wide dissemination and will not prevent the use
of an airfield's runways. The information may, however, affect the use of other parts of an airfield. These
NOTAMs are found by calling the local FSS governing the field.
(6) Notices to Airman Publication (NTAP). This book consists of four parts.
Part 1 contains FDC NOTAMs and NOTAMs which meet the criteria of "D" NOTAMs and are
expected to remain in effect for an extended period of time.
Part 2 contains revisions to Minimum Enroute IFR altitudes and changeover points as well as
other information regarding a wide geographic area or not suited for Part 1.
Part 3 contains significant international NOTAMs including Foreign Notices, Department of State
Advisories, and Overland/Oceanic Airspace Notices.

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