Non-precision -- Airport Surveillance Radar (ASR).
Controller. The controller will inform the pilot of the runway to which the approach will be made,
the MDA, and the MAP location, and will issue advance notice of where the descent to MDA will
begin. Upon request, the controller will provide recommended altitudes on final.
Descent. When the aircraft reaches the descent point, the controller will advise you to "begin
descent to minimum descent altitude." If a descent restriction exists, the controller will specify the
prescribed restriction altitude. When the aircraft is past the altitude limiting point, the controller
will advise you to continue descent to MDA.
Runway Environment. Arrive at the MDA with enough time and distance remaining to identify
the runway environment and descend from MDA to touchdown at a rate normally used for a visual
approach. At the MAP, the straight-in surveillance system approach error may be as much as 500'
from the runway edges.
Course Guidance. The controller will issue course guidance when required and will give range
information each mile while on final approach. You may be instructed to report the runway in
sight. Approach guidance will be provided until aircraft is over the MAP unless you request
discontinuation of guidance. The controller will inform you when you are at the MAP.
MDA. Fly the aircraft at or above MDA until arrival at the MAP or until establishing visual
contact with the runway environment. If you do not report the runway environment in sight,
missed approach instructions will be given.
Single Engine ASR. If using recommended altitudes on final, fly the single engine ASR in
accordance with procedures described above in "Single Engine Precision Approach," e.g. treat it
as a precision approach for configuration purposes. However, if you get well below the
recommended altitudes during the approach, you should revert to non-precision configuration
procedures, retracting the flaps and gear and adjusting power on the available engine to maintain
airspeed and altitude at or above MDA. If electing not to use recommended altitudes on final,
treat the approach as a non precision approach. Slow to a minimum of 120 KIAS anytime after
the normal configuration point, but before the descent is initiated to MDA; gear should be left in
the up position. Continue as described above in "Single Engine Non-Precision Approach."
Radar No-Gyro Approach (Heading Indicator Inoperative).
Advise controller. If the heading indicator should fail during flight, advise the radar controller and
request a no-gyro approach. The final approach may be either precision or surveillance.
Turns. Perform turns during the transition to final by establishing an AOB on the attitude
indicator that will approximate a standard rate turn, not to exceed 30 of bank. If attitude
information is also unavailable, placing pilot's turn needle in the doghouse in the T-44 will
indicate a standard rate turn. Perform turns on final by establishing an AOB that will approximate
a half-standard rate turn. If unable to comply with these turn rates, advise the controller so the
controller may determine lead points for turn and heading corrections. Initiate turns immediately
upon hearing the words "turn right" or "turn left." Stop the turn on receipt of the words "stop
turn." Acknowledge the controller's commands to start and stop turns until advised not to
acknowledge further transmissions.
NOTE: Do not begin using half-standard rate turns on final until the controller tells you. The controller may want
standard rate turns even on final if abnormal conditions exist (i.e., strong crosswinds, etc.).
D. Non-Radar Approaches.
Precision Approach (ILS).
In the United States, the glideslope, the localizer, and the outer marker are required components
for an ILS. If the outer marker is inoperative or not installed, it may be replaced by DME, another
NAVAID, a crossing radial, or radar provided these substitutes are depicted on the approach plate
or identified by NOTAM. If VOR2 is used to identify intermediate fixes and/or the FAF, it should
be tuned to the LOC frequency not later than at the FAF (unless it is required to identify
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