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subsequent stepdown fixes and/or the MAP). If the glideslope fails or is unavailable, the approach
reverts to a non-precision approach system [if SSE, raise the gear and continue the approach if
possible using non-precision procedures]. If the localizer fails, the procedure is not authorized. If
the OM (or at least one of its substitutes) is not available, then the procedure is not authorized.
NCS-31 & Navigation Equipment Set-Up. Reference the AIGT Study Guide, Chapter 2, and
NATOPS, Chapter 20, for complete and detailed discussions on T-44 navigation/communication
equipment procedures.
Transition to the ILS Localizer Course. This is performed by using either radar vectors or a
published approach procedure.
Orientation. When being radar vectored, use any available navigation facility (for example,
TACAN) to aid in remaining position oriented in relation to the localizer course and glideslope
intercept point. (The glideslope has a usable range of 10 miles.)
"LIDS" check. Because the CDI, TACAN, and/or VOR may still be necessary for navigation or
position orientation (ILS, LOC, LDA, or LOC BC approaches) at the time the navigation
instruments are setup during the Approach Checklist, a good technique is to use the "LIDS" check
prior to intercepting the localizer (for example: on base, on the arc, etc.) to ensure instruments are
setup properly:
Localizer. Tune the ILS localizer frequency and ensure VOR/ILS is selected on the FD SEL
switch as soon as practical during the transition -- monitor the identifier.
Inbound Course. Set the published localizer front course under the course arrow.
DME. Tune the TACAN to the localizer associated DME frequency, if applicable.
Speeds and Configuration. Review speeds and configuration point.
Accomplish the Approach.
Intercepting the Localizer. Once the localizer course is intercepted, reduce heading corrections as
the aircraft continues inbound. Heading changes made in increments of 5 or less will usually
result in more precise course control. The approach must be discontinued if the localizer course
becomes unreliable, or any time full scale deflection of the CDI occurs on final approach.
Descent. When on the localizer course, maintain glideslope intercept altitude (published or
assigned) until intercepting the glideslope. Published glideslope intercept altitudes may be
minimum, maximum, mandatory, or recommended altitudes and are identified by a lightning bolt
( ). When on glideslope, crosscheck the aircraft altitude with the published "Glideslope Altitude
at Outer Marker/FAF" to ensure you are established on the correct glideslope. Do not descend
below a descent restrictive altitude (minimum or mandatory) if the CDI indicates full scale.
NOTE: A reminder is in order about the glideslope. It is not the primary aid for the vertical flight path until the
lightening bolt ( ) on the IAP. However, if you are established on the localizer course and are within the usable
range (10 miles) of the glideslope, it may be used in the descent to glideslope intercept altitude.
Glideslope Indicator. Prepare to intercept the glideslope as the glideslope indicator (GSI) moves
downward from its upper limits. Determine the approximate rate of descent to maintain the
glideslope. The vertical velocity required will be dependent upon the aircraft groundspeed and the
ILS glideslope angle. Slightly before the GSI reaches the center position, coordinate pitch and
power control adjustments to establish the desired rate of descent.
Pitch Adjustments. Pitch adjustments made in increments of 2 or less will usually result in more
precise glidepath control. As the approach progresses, smaller pitch and bank corrections are
required for a given CDI/GSI deviation.
Over Controlling. During the latter part of the approach, pitch changes of 1 and heading
corrections of 5 or less will prevent over controlling.

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