Downwind. Scan the attitude gyro, horizon, and IVSI to maintain 800' and 120 KIAS. Fly approximately
one mile abeam by keeping the AOA probe on the runway edge (left pattern). In right traffic utilize a
similar position on the wing to maintain desired position. Crab into the crosswind as required in order to
obtain desired track over the ground. Maintain balanced flight. The distance abeam may be adjusted
slightly to compensate for strong crosswinds. Attempt to maintain as tight a pattern as possible. Just prior
to midfield, call for "Gear Down, Landing Checklist." Complete the checklist while adding power as
required to maintain 120 KIAS. Do not respond, "Down and locked" until all three gear indicate green.
180 Position (Abeam). Report the 180. Visually check for three green lights immediately prior to
making any radio report of gear position.
If the gear is up for any reason, ensure the CP has been briefed of your intentions and report; "Gear is up"
to the Tower. Complete the Landing Checklist and report the gear to the Tower no later than the 90.
During training, the gear shall never be held past the 90.
No-wind turns are made abeam the intended point of landing. Adjust this position for known headwind on
final (begin turn early) and tailwind (begin turn late) components. Adjust AOB for overshooting (greater
AOB than normal) and undershooting (lesser AOB than normal) crosswinds.
Approach Turn (Base). The approach turn is normally commenced abeam the runway approach end. The
turn point may be adjusted slightly to compensate for unusually strong winds. Maintain as tight a pattern as
possible. Reduce power as required (approximately 300 -375 ft-lbs) and roll into a 15-30 degrees bank.
AOB and power required may vary significantly depending on wind direction and aircraft weight. An
overshooting crosswind will require a greater AOB and less power than an undershooting crosswind.
Maintain balanced flight. Strong winds common to the Corpus Christi area often make pattern corrections
challenging for even the experienced aviator.
90 Position. Make corrections as necessary to arrive at the 90 position at 110 KIAS, 500', in balanced
flight. Strive to get aircraft perpendicular to runway heading.
Final. Continue the turn to final, maintaining balanced flight and a maximum of 30 AOB. Arrive on
extended runway centerline, 1000-1200 feet from the threshold, at 250'. After rolling out on final, maintain
aircraft centerline parallel to runway centerline with rudder. Use aileron to keep the aircraft from drifting
off centerline ("wing down, top rudder"). Avoid angling to final. Look down the entire length of the
runway to get a good perspective on alignment. The correct sight picture will put the runway centerline
between your legs. A constant angle of descent to the touchdown point is desired. The descent angle is
slightly steeper than a standard 3 instrument approach glideslope. On final, smoothly place the props full
forward, verify three green lights, and gear handle down with no red light, then respond "Props full
forward, three down and locked, review me complete." The CP will verify the props full forward, three
green lights, and gear handle down with no red light and then respond "Reviewed complete." The landing
should be made in the first one-third of the runway.
During FAM training place the props full forward at the same point in the pattern on each approach. They
shall not be utilized as "speed brakes" to compensate for sloppy airwork.
In gusty wind conditions, consideration should be given to maintaining 5 to 10 kts above normal speeds.
Maximum crosswind component is 20 kts.
No-Flap Landing. Same airspeeds and altitudes apply through the 90, then roll onto final at 110 KIAS.
Reduce power as required to control airspeed. There is less drag in the no flap configuration and the
tendency is to arrive fast over the numbers. Cross the threshold at 105 KIAS. Slowly close the power
levers while gradually bringing the nose up (flare). Be alert to avoid making an abrupt pitch-up correction,
especially at speeds above 105 KIAS. The aircraft will tend to balloon and then sink rapidly as airspeed
nears the stall.
Approach Flap Landing. Roll onto final at 105 KIAS. Cross the threshold at 95 KIAS. Slowly close the
power levers while bringing the nose up (flare).
Full Flap Landing. Select full flaps after the 90, but before rolling onto final at 105 KIAS and selecting
props full forward. Additional power is normally required to compensate for increased drag. Cross the
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