the descent radial at XX DME" and specify the block being vacated. Listen carefully for any traffic on the
descent radial. Descend after intercepting the descent radial. Emergency descents may be practiced after
Complete the Approach Checklist and brief the CP on touch and go procedures in accordance with
Appendix A.
After departing the descent radial, set RADIOS/NAVAIDs as appropriate and set both CDIs to runway
heading; this is a good technique to use when practicing pattern work. The heading bug may also be used
to set in the wind direction. Proceed in accordance with course rules and utilize voice procedures listed in
Appendix A.
Cabaniss Field Operations. Radio contact must be established prior to penetrating 5 SM, unless operating
under lost communications. Switch to Tower as directed by course rules. See Appendix A for voice
procedures. Exercise caution not to extend patterns or entry routes, as CRP is 3 miles NW of the field.
Break Entry. Enter the break in accordance with course rules with wings level at 170 KIAS. Report the
numbers, or as directed. When cleared, smoothly roll into a level bank, not to exceed 45, while
simultaneously reducing power to approximately 300-500 ft-lbs. Maintain balanced flight. Select
approach flaps and anticipate ballooning. Utilize the horizon in conjunction with the attitude gyro to
maintain a smooth, level turn. Select gear down (155 KIAS maximum) and complete the Landing
Checklist. Landing, taxi, and strobe lights are left on in the traffic pattern. Adjust AOB to roll out on
downwind with the runway edge on the AOA probe (left pattern). This will place the aircraft
approximately 1 mile abeam. Maintain 120 KIAS and descend to 800'.
NOTE: Field elevation at NGW is 30'. For traffic pattern training, field elevation is considered to be 0 feet.
Downwind Entry. A downwind entry is made at 1000' mean sea level (MSL), preferably on a 45 angle.
Transition to 130 KIAS and intercept midfield approximately 1 mile abeam and turn downwind. Transition
to the landing configuration and descend to 800 feet once established downwind.
Base Entry. A base entry is performed by arriving at the 90 position with 110-120 KIAS, 500' AGL, and
Landing Checklist complete.
Normal Landing Pattern. The landing pattern consists of upwind, crosswind, downwind, 180 position
(abeam), approach turn (base), 90 position, and final. All altitudes listed below are AGL. The attitude gyro
may be failed during initial FAM training in order to reinforce the importance of scanning outside the aircraft.
OBS responsibilities include maintaining a lookout for traffic, monitoring the radios, counting landings,
checking three green lights/props full forward on final, and checking flaps up on a touch and go.
Upwind. The upwind leg is flown along the extended runway centerline at an altitude of 300-500 feet and
a maximum airspeed of 130 KIAS, in balanced flight. After receiving Tower clearance for downwind,
report clear to the IP and turn as soon as possible after reaching 300 feet, with the required interval. An
immediate turn is desired to prevent extending the pattern. If only one aircraft is in the pattern, the Tower
will normally authorize "All turns downwind at Pilot's discretion" or "you have left closed traffic, report
the 180 with the gear on each pass" and a radio call is not required. Always check for traffic prior to
turning. Near misses and midair collisions have occurred in the pattern with other T-44s and assorted
military and civilian aircraft. The field's proximity to CRP, NGP, and Waldron is a hazard that must not be
Normal interval for a T-44 or TC-12 is 15 ahead of the wing, abeam if the aircraft is still in a crosswind
turn. Normal interval for a T-34 in the pattern is 15 behind the wing. If the aircraft is known to be at a full
stop, allow it to pass 30 behind the wing, unless a practice waveoff is desired. Interval should always be
sufficient to enable a waveoff without passing airborne traffic.
the pattern. Maintain balanced flight and 130 KIAS. Passing 600' select approach flaps, adjust power to
approximately 500-600 ft-lbs, and level off downwind at 800' with 120 KIAS. If a no-flap landing is
desired, leave flaps up.
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