communications. It is imperative initial traffic advisories be made no later than ten miles from an
uncontrolled field. Often Approach/Center will not authorize a switch to advisory frequency
(UNICOM/CTAF) until over the FAF. It is therefore necessary to use both radios. Be familiar with the
UNICOM/CTAF communication procedures in the AIM. For UNICOM/CTAF position reports, use
"Navy King Air 411" instead of "Navy 1G411" so traffic can better understand who and what we are.
Remember, aircraft operating at these airports are not required to have radios.
Phraseology. Use the proper phraseology as described in the AIM and the Pilot/Controller Glossary.
For example, respond "Traffic in sight" or "Negative contact" to inform the controller whether or not
previously issued traffic is in sight.
Departure/Approach. On initial contact with departure/approach control, check in with the airfield
departing, altitude passing, and initial altitude assigned. When requesting a particular IAP from
approach control, include your intentions ("full stop" or "followed by radar vectors for the ILS RWY
13R at NGP"); this will let the controller know he/she must issue you climbout instructions (the
controller may assume a full stop if no further intentions are communicated).
NOTE: If practicing approaches (Tango-3, GCA-1) in the Navy Corpus area, then intending to depart on a filed
flight plan, put the local departure on request and inform Clearance you have also filed a flight plan. For example,
"...Navy 1G411, GCA-1 on request, 2 approaches, followed by filed IFR flight plan to San Antonio International."
The local IFR clearance will be issued on the ground and enroute clearance will normally be issued by Approach
while airborne.
B. Flight Director/Autopilot Usage.
The flight director may be used independently or coupled to the autopilot. If the flight director alone is
utilized, the aircraft is flown manually using command bars as guidance. The autopilot similarly may
be used with or without the flight director. When the autopilot is used alone, control the aircraft with
the manual pitch wheel and roll knob. When coupled, the autopilot controls the aircraft using
commands generated by the flight director. Touch control steering may be used anytime the autopilot
is engaged. Power levers must be adjusted manually to obtain desired performance. The pilot must
continually monitor autopilot performance and be alert to deviations. Never rely exclusively on the
autopilot. Disengage the autopilot by depressing the AP/YD disconnect switch on the yoke to the first
detent or the go around button on the power levers and take over manually if required. Minimum
altitude for autopilot use is 200 feet above terrain. Use the NATOPS manual procedures for operation
of the flight director and autopilot. Note the following:
Confirm all appropriate annunciator lights are illuminated during use of AP/FD.
During autopilot operation, pilot must be seated at the controls with seatbelt fastened.
The autopilot will roll to bank angles up to 30.
When the autopilot is coupled, select HDG (with the bug on the nose) prior to changing
NAVAID frequencies. This will prevent sudden turns as the aircraft attempts to intercept a new
navigation course.
NOTE: The autopilot may be utilized as desired after initial introduction, at the instructor's discretion. Do not
expect to be allowed to use it unless conducting extended airway navigation (cross-country) or it is called for in the
Coupled Approach. Follow procedures in the NATOPS manual. If autopilot coupled operations are to
be conducted, advise the ATC approach controller as soon as practical, but not later than the FAF.
This will allow time for the appropriate ILS critical area to be cleared or an advisory issued. The
advisory used by controllers will be: "localizer/glide slope signal not protected." In this case, be alert
for unstable or fluctuating ILS indications that may prevent an autopilot coupled approach.
Continually monitor autopilot performance and remember, you must configure the aircraft manually
and control the airspeed with the throttles.
NOTE: The boundary of the ILS critical area is identified by the "double-runged ladder" marking (see chap 2 in
the AIM) painted on the taxiway; also, a sign with an inscription "ILS" in white on a red background will be
installed adjacent to the taxiway. This should be used as the runway holding position when the ceiling is less than
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