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800' and/or visibility is less than 2 miles or when directed by ATC.
C. Copilot Responsibilities.
Copilot responsibilities involve a little of everything, from preflight planning to landing the aircraft.
The copilot is normally tasked with checklist management, radio communications, and navigational
duties as well as continuously backing up the pilot flying the aircraft. The level of situational
awareness a crew is able to attain is not, as one might expect, the sum total of those individuals.
Instead, it is limited by that of the PIC. Therefore, as a copilot, you must do everything feasible to
support the aircraft commander and maximize this level of situational awareness. Make the pilot's job
easy and you will be considered a good copilot.
Crew Coordination. Students should use their copilot wisely to accomplish all tasks as a crew brief
the instructor on what you want and be directive when you would like things done. This does not
relieve the student of the responsibility to ensure the delegated tasks were accomplished. Be advised,
for training purposes, certain duties normally delegated to the copilot are restricted (for example, the
student will normally continue to fly the aircraft as the approach brief is accomplished). The instructor
shall use his own judgment in determining when a request is reasonable.
D. Observer Duties.
On most events, a second student will be along. The student not flying is designated the observer and
will help to clear for possible conflicting traffic, ensure gear is down for landings, and backup the
pilots in front on the radios. The observer shall be posted on the same side of the aircraft as the student
flying to be better positioned for clearing responsibilities. The student flying the aircraft, although
simulating instrument flight, should still visually clear all turns during RI flights unless a visual
restriction device (VRD) is being worn; this is in the best interest of safety. Sleeping in the back is
prohibited on training flights. The observer is not a backup for the student in the seat who may be
forgetting something; however, the observer should feel free to notify the instructor or the crew
(instructor and student) of anything that may affect safety of flight.
NOTE: A VRD (such as foggles) may be used on all basic instrument or radio instrument training flights when an
aft observer is available.
E. Right-Seat Instrument Proficiency (USAF).
The purpose of these flights is to better prepare USAF students for follow-on assignments as a C-130
copilot. During these flights, students will build on the skills learned during the radio instrument stage
of training. Emphasis is placed on physically flying the aircraft from the right seat as well as
accomplishing all normal duties. During ground operations and whenever the instructor is flying, the
student will accomplish standard copilot responsibilities. While the student is at the controls, the
instructor will accomplish copilot responsibilities and will normally handle all radio communications
and assist as required or requested.
The student will accomplish right seat takeoffs and landings.
Operation of the gear and flaps will be standard; the student will command "gear up" or "gear
down" as appropriate.
Simulated emergency procedures shall be accomplished by the student in the right seat while
flying the aircraft. All simulated emergency procedures will be directed by the pilot physically
at the controls with the pilot not at the controls reading appropriate checklists and backing up
any actions taken on concurrence items.
The observer (if applicable) shall be positioned on the right side of the aircraft and shall
accomplish normal observer duties.
Differences. One of the differences between the left and right seat is the relative position of the power
levers. You will control the aircraft with your right hand on the yoke and your left hand on the power
levers. Since the power levers are on the left side of the center console, it will require a greater reach
to move the power levers. There is a tendency to set lower power; crosscheck the engine instruments
to ensure desired power setting. Be careful you do not mistake the propeller levers for the power
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