until the final turn to the drop run passing 50' abeam the target. After rolling out on the drop run, advise the
dropmaster "30 second standby". When abeam the 15 second smoke, advise the dropmaster "15 second
standby". When directly abeam the 3 second smoke, call "Drop, Drop, Drop". If any reason the drop cannot
be made, abort as briefed and re-fly the pattern, The Sea Rescue Kit Delivery pattern will be flown at 120
KIAS, 500' AWL with approach flaps. See Figure 8-12 for downwind Sea Rescue Kit delivery pattern.
Figure 8-12
Emergencies. It is obvious a malfunction, no matter how small, could lead to catastrophe at low altitude.
If the problem is not easily correctable, it would be prudent to begin a climb prior to emergency procedure
execution or extensive troubleshooting. Some specific situations are addressed in the following
Engine Fire/Malfunction. Any situation that may lead to an engine shutdown requires an
immediate climb, while executing the appropriate procedures during the ascent.
Ditching. If a situation arises requiring a ditch at low altitude, immediate action is required and time
will be the most limited asset. Thorough knowledge of your procedures and assigned responsibilities is
essential. Review NATOPS Ditching procedures prior to the flight.
"C's" is appropriate (confess, climb, communicate, conserve, and comply). If overwater, turn west until
intercepting the coast then turn to a northerly heading paralleling the coastline. If the heading is greater
than 023, your position is north of Corpus area; less than 023 and you are south. If communications are
lost while operating VFR, maintain VMC conditions, squawking the appropriate codes, making calls in the
blind, and land as soon as practical.
Survival Equipment Requirements. Ref (d) outlines the requirements for survival equipment,
Since the Gulf Waters in our area normally do not drop below 60 F, anti-exposure suits are not required.
For a water temperature of 60 F, survival time is two hours or more. If water temperature in the Gulf goes
below 60 F, anti-exposure suits will be made available in T-44A aircraft issue. LPAs are unusable in the
T-44A due to their bulk which restricts movement in the cockpit. LPP-1 life preservers are used and are
available in T-44A aircraft issue. Life preservers shall be worn over the water below 1000 feet. Further
information can be found in Chapter 8 of ref (d).
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