velocity. The SRU will fly over the target, aligned into the wind/smoke. After passing over the target, the
pilot will make a standard rate turn to the left or right to fly downwind. After 30 seconds, pilot will turn
back into the wind and advise the Dropmaster "30 seconds standby". 15 seconds later, the pilot will advise
the Dropmaster "15 second standby," Passing over the drop point, the flying pilot will call "Drop, Drop,
Drop". If any reason the drop cannot be made, abort as briefed and re-fly the pattern. See figures 8-10 for
PADS pattern. The PADS pattern will be flown at 120 KIAS, 500 feet AWL with approach flaps. See
figure 8-11 for a diagram of a deployed pump can.
Figure 8-11
Sea Rescue Kit Delivery Pattern. This pattern is used to deploy a Sea Rescue Kit (commonly
referred to as a MA3 kit). A MA3 kit has 5 bundles attached to a single line. Bundles 1, 3, and 5 are life
rafts; bundles 2 and 4 are filled with survivor equipment. This kit is deployed using either an upwind or
downwind delivery pattern. An upwind pattern is used when dropping to people in the water, and downwind
pattern is used when a vessel is sinking and the crew is preparing to abandon ship. After determining whether
to drop upwind or downwind of the target, maneuver the aircraft on the reciprocal of the drop run, and
perpendicular to the wind line, to pass approximately 50' abeam of the target. Three seconds after passing the
target, drop a smoke. This smoke is commonly referred to as the "3 second smoke". Continue on that
heading for 15 seconds and drop a second smoke. This smoke is commonly referred to as the "15 second
smoke". Make a 15 second procedure turn using at least 40 of turn. Depending on the strength of the wind,
and the Aircraft Commander's discretion, more than 40 of turn and more than 15 seconds can be used in the
procedure turn. After at least 15 seconds, make a standard rate 180 degree turn to the left, maintain heading
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