(h) Descend 2000' at 800 FPM while executing a right SRT for 450 (2.5 min.)
1. 350 ft-lbs. torque (approx.)
2. 150 KIAS
(i) Transition to straight and level (maneuver complete).
1. 650 ft-lbs. torque (approx.)
2. 150 KIAS
Yankee Pattern. The Yankee Pattern is a departure from traditional BI patterns in that it is flown under
SSE conditions and at 120 KIAS. The maneuver is flown in order to build skills required to fly single
engine approaches under instrument conditions. It teaches both scan and the effect of power changes upon
rudder. All legs are one minute long and all turns are standard rate. All descents are 500 FPM using the
IVSI to initially set the descent then cross checking the altimeter and clock.
(1) Refer to Figure 2-3.
(a) Straight and level, single engine procedures
complete (1 min.)
1. 900 ft-lbs. torque (approx.)
2. 120 KIAS
(b) Level left SRT for 180 (1 min.)
1. 1000 ft-lbs. torque (approx.)
2. 120 KIAS
(c) Descend 500' at 500 FPM (1 min.)
1. 500 ft-lbs. torque (approx.)
2. 120 KIAS
(d) Continue 500 FPM descent while executing a left
SRT for 45 (15 sec.)
1. 600 ft-lbs. torque (approx.)
2. 120 KIAS
(e) Continue 500 FPM descent (45 sec.)
1. 500 ft-lbs. torque (approx.)
2. 120 KIAS
(f) Continue 500 FPM descent while executing a right SRT for 180 (1 min.)
1. 600 ft-lbs. torque (approx.)
2. 120 KIAS
(g) Transition to straight and level (1 min.)
1. 900 ft-lbs. torque (approx.)
2. 120 KIAS
(h) Lower approach flaps and landing gear 10 seconds prior, complete the landing checklist, and
descend 500 at 500 FPM (1 min.)
1. 1000 ft-lbs. torque (approx.)
2. 120 KIAS
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