a. Temperatures required for washing, rinsing, and sanitizing;
b. Pressure required for the fresh water sanitizing rinse unless the
machine is designed to use only a pumped sanitizing rinse; and
c. Conveyor speed for conveyor machines or cycle time for stationary
rack machines.
4-2.5 Warewashing Machines, Internal Baffles
Warewashing machine wash and rinse tanks shall be equipped with baffles,
curtains, or other means to minimize internal cross contamination of the
solutions in wash and rinse tanks.
4-2.6 Warewashing Machines, Temperature Measuring Devices
Warewashing machines will be equipped with a temperature measuring device
that indicates the temperature of the water:
a. In each wash and rinse tank; and
b. As the water enters the hot water sanitizing final rinse manifold
or in the chemical sanitizing solution tank.
4-2.7 Manual Warewashing Equipment, Heaters and Baskets
If hot water is used for sanitization in manual warewashing operations, the
sanitizing compartment of the sink shall be:
a. Designed with an integral heating device that is capable
of maintaining water at a temperature not less than 171oF (77oC); and
b. Provided with a rack or basket to allow complete immersion of
equipment and utensils into the hot water.
4-2.8 Warewashing Machines, Flow Pressure Device
a. Warewashing machines that provide a fresh hot water sanitizing
rinse will be equipped with a pressure gauge or similar device such as a
transducer that measures and displays the water pressure in the supply line
immediately before entering the warewashing machine; and
b. If the flow pressure measuring device is upstream of the fresh hot
water sanitizing rinse control valve, the device will be mounted in a 6.4
millimeter or one-fourth inch Iron Pipe Size (IPS) valve.
c. Paragraphs (a) and (b) above do not apply to a machine that uses
only a pumped or recirculated sanitizing rinse.
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