g. One or more of the routine inspections may be replaced with such
alternatives as a full-scale HACCP study, or a staff training session.
6-3.5 Types of Inspections
a. Inspections are generally unannounced to obtain a more accurate
assessment of normal operating practices and conditions. Exceptions include
construction and preoperational inspections, HACCP studies, and follow-up
inspections, requiring the presence of specific personnel from the
establishment. Full documentation should be maintained on each inspection
as a part of the establishment's official agency record.
b. Inspections determine the food establishment's compliance with the
NAVMED P-5010-1. These inspections may be categorized by purpose such as:
(1) Pre-operational Inspection
(a) A pre-operational inspection shall be conducted to ensure
the establishment is built or remodeled in accordance with the approved
plans and specifications. It is helpful to have plans and specification
documents available during the inspection.
(2) Routine Inspection
(a) A full review of the food establishment operations and
facilities and their impact on food safety is conducted. This includes
assessment of food employee and management health, practices, and knowledge
of food safety; food flows, source, storage, thawing, preparation
(including cooking temperatures and times) and post-preparation processes;
equipment and facility construction; cleaning and sanitizing processes;
water sources; sewage disposal; and vermin control.
(b) Detailed reports are prepared at the conclusion of each
inspection and presented to the person in charge. Non-compliance is
categorized as critical or noncritical. Repeat items are also noted. The
NAVMED P-5010-1 section in violation is included in the report citation
(3) Follow-up Inspection
(a) PMA personnel shall verify that critical violations have
been corrected at the time of inspection or within 10 days of the initial
routine inspection. Follow-up inspections should be briefer than the
routine inspection, since they concentrate on the critical violations
previously reported.
(b) Corrections and continued violations should be noted on an
inspection report. Continued violations should be used to initiate further
compliance actions. Time available for follow-up inspections will vary
between jurisdictions. The compliance strategy is more effective if those
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