fortified by the addition of a dry ingredient such as dried milk, eggs,
soup, sauce, dessert mix or similar product, if not for immediate service,
must be:
(1) Held at 41F or below until served;
(2) Immediately placed, after mixing, into either a frozen dessert
machine or other liquid product refrigeration unit; or
(3) Held at 140F or above.
A reconstituted or fortified potentially hazardous food that is
held between 41F and 140F for longer than 4 hours will be discarded.
3-5.5 Time as a Public Health Control
Time only, rather than time in conjunction with temperature, may be used as
the public health control for a working supply of potentially hazardous
food before cooking, or for ready-to-eat potentially hazardous food that is
displayed or held for service for immediate consumption, if:
a. The food is marked or otherwise identified with the time within
which it shall be cooked, served, or discarded;
b. The food is served or discarded within 4 hours from the point in
time when the food is removed from temperature control;
c. Food in unmarked containers or packages, or for which the time
expires, is discarded.
d. Temperature logs are required to document cooling and ensure all
requirements are met.
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