immediate service, will be cooked to a minimum internal product temperature
of at least 145F for at least 15 seconds or until the white is firm, not
running, and the yolk is set.
(4) Scrambled eggs, in bulk amounts, may be prepared using
pasteurized frozen table eggs, pasteurized dehydrated egg mix, or fresh
shell eggs. If fresh shell eggs are used, the following provisions are
(a) Cook bulk amounts of scrambled eggs in small batches of no
more than 3 quarts. Cook to heat all parts of the food to a minimal
internal temperature of 155F (63C) for at least 15 seconds and until
there is no visible liquid egg.
(b) Hold until served at 140F or higher, such as on a hot food
(c) Do not combine just cooked scrambled eggs to the
batch held on a hot food table. A clean sanitized container is required
for each 3 quarts of scrambled eggs.
3-5.3 Safe Holding Temperatures for Cooked Food
a. General. Potentially hazardous foods which are not served
immediately after cooking must be either rapidly chilled to temperatures of
41F or lower, or held at 140F or higher. Growth of harmful bacteria and
the development of toxins (poisons) formed by bacteria occur rapidly in
protein foods when held at temperatures between 41F and 140F.
Potentially hazardous foods which have been held at temperatures between
41F and 140F longer than 4 hours are considered unsafe for consumption
and must be destroyed. If the product is refrigerated at intervals and
then permitted to warm, the total time of the various periods between 41F
and 140F must not exceed 4 hours.
b. Potentially hazardous ingredients for foods that are in a form to
be consumed without further cooking such as salads, sandwiches, filled
pastry products and reconstituted foods must have been chilled to 41F or
below prior to preparation.
3-5.4 Reconstituting or Fortifying Food
a. The ingredients and the container must be prechilled to
41F or below before reconstituting or fortifying a potentially hazardous
food with the addition of a dry ingredient such as dry
milk or milk product, a dessert mix or similar product if the container is
larger than 1 gallon.
b. A potentially hazardous food which has been reconstituted or
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