e. Food or containers of food must not be stored close to steam pipes
or other sources of heat which would reduce the shelf life of the product.
3-4.7 Ice
a. Commercially procured ice must be from a supplier listed in the
Directory of Sanitarily Approved Food Establishments for Armed Forces
Procurement. Ice intended for human consumption in food or drink shall be
manufactured from potable water only. Ice used for cooling stored food and
food containers will not be used for human consumption
b. Ice machines must be located, installed, operated, and maintained
in a sanitary manner to prevent contamination. They must be cleaned
monthly or more often as required. See Table 1-1.
c. Ice buckets, other containers and scoops must be of smooth
impervious material designed for easy cleaning. They shall be kept clean
and stored and handled in a sanitary manner. Scoops
shall be stored handle up in a freely draining metal bracket
outside the ice storage compartment or in a metal bracket
installed within the machine at such a height as to preclude the scoop
being covered by the ice.
d. Ice should be bacteriologically sampled as determined by the PMA.
Table 1-1.
Directions for monthly cleaning of ice making machines
Turn off motor
Empty, defrost and clean. Make certain overflow pipes
carry off water used for defrosting.
2. Wash all parts,
Use a plastic bristle brush to scrub inside and outside of
including ice storage bin.
bins with mild detergent solution.
Rinse with water containing at least 50 ppm chlorine to
preclude bad odors and the accumulation of film deposits
from detergents. Water drain should be clear and free to
allow proper rinse.
Check Water Control
Clean to prevent clogging of holes of water flow control.
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