disease outbreak caused by S. typhi, Shigella spp., E. coli O157:H7, or
hepatitis A virus illness or
(2) Lives in the same household as a person who is
diagnosed with a disease caused by S. typhi, Shigella spp., E. coli
O157:H7, or hepatitis A virus infection,
(3) Lives in the same household as a person who attends or works in
a setting where there is a confirmed disease outbreak caused by S. typhi.
Shigella spp., E. coli O157:H7, or hepatitis A virus infection,
(4) Traveled out of the country within the last 50 calendar days.
2-2.4 Removal of Exclusions and Restrictions
The person in charge may reinstate an excluded food employee if the person
in charge obtains approval from the local medical authority. The employee
must provide written medical documen-tation from a physician licensed to
practice medicine or the local military medical authority. The
documentation must specify that the excluded employee may work in an
unrestricted capacity in a food establishment because the employee is free
of the infectious agent of concern.
2-2.5 Person in Charge Responsibilities
2-2.5.1 Requirements for Initial Physical Examination (Medical
Screening) of All Food Employees or Applicants
2-2.5.2 Requirements for Reporting of Active Disease Symptoms of All
Food Employees or Applicants
2-2.5.1 Requirements for Initial Physical Examinations (Medical
Screening) of All Food Employees or Applicants
The Person in Charge shall refer all food employees or applicants to the
local medical authority for a physical examination
(Medical Screening) prior to employment.
2-2.5.2 Requirements for Reporting of Active Disease Symptoms of
All Food Employees or Applicants
The person in charge shall refer all food employees or applicants to the
local medical authority or a licensed physician if the food employee or
applicant has any symptoms or has been diagnosed with any diseases listed
in this section. The Person in Charge shall not allow food employees or
applicants to work until they have a written medical release from the local
medical authority or a licensed physician.
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