available chlorine, preservatives, or sensory information such as texture,
aroma, and visual appearance.
(a) Incorporate control procedures into the written recipes,
for example:
1 Process Step: Hamburger Patty Cooking - Minimum internal
temperature of patty: 155F; Time: Minimum 15 Sec.;
Oven Temperature:______ F; Patty thickness: _____ in inches; Patty
composition: 100% beef.
(b) Enforce employee hand washing and hygiene practices.
(c) Establish illness policy for employees with flu like
symptoms of diarrhea and vomiting.
(d) Enforce proper cleaning and use of sanitizer solutions.
(2) Critical Limits must be measurable or observable. The more
specific a CL is, the easier it is to monitor. Avoid terms like thoroughly
heated, cool rapidly, serve hot. If there is a measurable limit, specify
d. Principle #4:
Establish Procedures to Monitor CCPs.
(1) Monitoring does not have to be elaborate. It can include
checking the temperature of food on a serving line, or taking the
temperature of foods being cooled.
(2) Monitoring is a planned sequence of observations or
measurements to assess whether a CCP is under control and to produce an
accurate record for future use in verification. Examples of measurements
for monitoring include:
(a) Visual observations
(b) Temperature
(c) Time
(d) pH
(e) Moisture level
(3) Assignment of the responsibility for monitoring is an important
consideration for each CCP. The person responsible for monitoring must
also report a process or product that does not
meet critical limits so that immediate corrective action can be taken. For
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