(a) Assign one person to make and test sanitizer solution each
(b) Assign responsibility for equipment temperature logs.
(c) Assign responsibility for food temperature logs for
cooking, cooling, and reheating.
(4) All records and documents with CCP monitoring are to be signed
or initialed by the person doing the monitoring.
e. Principle #5: Establish the Corrective Action(s) to be Taken When
Monitoring Shows a Critical Limit (CL) Has Been Exceeded.
(1) The HACCP system for food safety management is designed to
identify potential health hazards and to establish strategies to prevent
their occurrence. However, ideal circumstances do not always prevail.
Therefore, when deviation occurs, corrective action
plans must be in
place to:
(a) Determine whether food should be discarded.
(b) Correct or eliminate the cause of problem.
(c) Maintain records of corrective action taken.
(2) Actions must demonstrate that the CCP has been brought under
control. Individuals who have a thorough understanding of HACCP process,
product, and plan are to be assigned responsibility for taking corrective
action. Corrective action procedures must be documented in the HACCP plan.
(a) Corrective Actions may include:
1 Raising or lowering the thermostat on a piece of
2 Reclassifying a food as leftover, reheating to 165oF
within 2 hours and serving that item the next meal.
3 Dividing a food item being chilled into several smaller
(b) Corrective actions should be developed and in place before
the CL is exceeded. The staff must know what protective actions should be
followed and under what circumstances.
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