f. Reheating "Advance Preparation" food items that are considered
potentially hazardous food.
(1) Potentially hazardous food that has been cooked and then
regrigerated and which is reheated for hot holding must be reheated so that
all parts of the food reach 165F for a minimum of 15 seconds. It must
then be held at 140F or above until served. The time for reheating to
165F will not exceed 2 hours.
(2) However, food taken from commercially processed hermetically
sealed containers, food in intact packages from commercial food processing
establishments, and whole or remaining unsliced portions of beef roasts may
be reheated to 140F for hot holding.
(3) Potentially hazardous foods which are not reheated to 165F
before serving, (e.g., custards and cream filled pies) that have been
cooled to 41F or below after preparation and have been maintained at 41F
or below must be served within 72 hours of cooking. These food items must
be used within two hours after removal from refrigeration.
g. Commercial meats, cheeses and salad requirements are found under
Section 3-5.17.
h. A waiver for freezing of limited menu items, that are advance
prepared foods, (e.g. Lumpia, egg rolls) may be authorized by the PMA under
certain conditions, but may require a HACCP plan.
3-5.6.2 Leftovers
a. Leftovers are any unserved food remaining at the end of the meal
period for which it is prepared. Served food, or food that has been placed
on a serving line does not qualify and must be discarded. Leftovers are
categorized as potentially hazardous food and non-potentially hazardous
b. Nonpotentially hazardous leftovers are such items as individual
commercially packaged crackers, condiments, etc., which may be recovered
from the serving line, but not dining tables or trays, and be retained for
reuse. Bottled condiments that do not require refrigeration (e.g. mustard,
catsup, steak sauce, etc.) may be retained for reuse. Unsliced, hard
skinned fruits may be retained from serving lines for reuse provided they
are washed.
c. Potentially Hazardous Leftovers. Potentially hazardous leftovers
include any potentially hazardous food prepared for a
specific meal period and then retained for a later meal period. This
section does not apply to advance prepared food as defined in section 3-
5.6.1 The following provisions apply:
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