(6) Immersing the cooking container in cold, running water with
product agitation.
(7) Spreading sliced or layered solid items in shallow pans, then
(8) Distributing the product among several refrigerators.
(9) Using metal, stainless steel or aluminum, containers.
(Metal containers have higher rates of heat transfer than plastic or glass
(10) Using reduced water content for recipes such as stews. After
cooking add potable ice to make up the volume of water and promote rapid
(11) Utilizing ice-type paddles.
c. Protect advance preparation foods from contamination by the
(1) Hot foods may be loosely covered, or uncovered if
protected from overhead contamination during the cooling period to
facilitate heat transfer from the surface of the food.
(2) Tightly cover food as soon as possible after the product
temperature reaches 41F.
(3) Potentially hazardous foods to be transported will be
prechilled and held during transport at an internal product temperature of
41F or below unless maintained per section 3-4.3(B).
d. "Advance Preparation" food items that are considered potentially
hazardous food may be retained for use or sale up to 72 hours from the
original time of preparation.
(1) The HACCP principals found in section 3-8 of this chapter
should be followed, but a formal HACCP plan is not normally required.
(2) A waiver may be requested, based on a written HACCP plan, from
the PMA to extend "Advance Preparation" holding time from 72 hours up to 7
days. Guidance for a HACCP plan is located in Section 3-8 of this chapter.
e. Labeling of "Advance Preparation" food is required.
(1) "Advance Preparation" food must be labeled "Advance Preparation
Food" with the date and time of original preparation
and the required discard date and time. Other methods for labeling may be
used if approved in writing by the PMA.
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