Laboratory services;
Epidemiological investigation of foodborne illness.
1-4.4 Commander, Naval Facilities Engineering Command
The Commander, Naval Facilities Engineering Command (COMNAVFACENGCOM) is
responsible for the planning, design, and construction of public works at
all shore activities, including messing and supporting facilities.
COMNAVFACENGCOM also establishes inspection and maintenance standards. See
Naval Facilities Engineering Command Modification Order (NAVFAC MO) 322,
"Inspection for Public Works and Public Utilities," and NAVFAC MO-119,
"Building Maintenance Galley Equipment."
1-4.5 Commander, Naval Sea Systems Command
The Commander, Naval Sea Systems Command is responsible for the design,
construction and maintenance of messing facilities afloat. Structural
standards are found in Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA)
S9AAO-AA-SPN-010/GEN-SPEC, "General Specifications for Ships of the United
States Navy." Equipment standards are contained in the Naval Ships'
Technical Manual, Chapter 9340 (NSTM 9340), "Commissary Equipment."
1-4.6 Commander, Naval Supply Systems Command
The Commander, Naval Supply Systems Command (COMNAVSUPSYSCOM) administers
the Navy Food Service Program.
a. The Deputy Commander for Support Services administers the
subsistence program for the Navy. NAVSUP PUB 486 gives line of authority
and direction for general mess operation.
b. COMNAVSUPSYSCOM (Code 51) has been delegated the responsibility
for preparation of food service equipment specifications and has been
tasked with the design of food service systems ashore and afloat.
(1) Navy Food Management Teams. Under the management of
COMNAVSUPSYSCOM (Code 51), Navy Food Management Teams are composed of
traveling instructors devoted to training food service personnel and
assisting ships and field activities in improving the general messes.
Preventive Medicine Technician (PMT) serves as a member of each team.
(2) Commands may obtain the services of these teams by submitting
a request to COMNAVSUPSYSCOM (Code 51). Request procedures are located in
NAVSUP PUB 486, Volume 1, Appendix J.
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