1-4.7 Commandant Of The Marine Corps
a. The Commandant of the Marine Corps (CMC) administers the food
service program for the Marine Corps which includes the procurement,
storage, issue, accounting for the preparation, and serving of food in
appropriated fund messing facilities.
b. Food Management Team, United States Marine Corps. The mission of the
Food Management Team is to render assistance in raising food quality,
achieving economy, and increasing effectiveness at the various activities
c. Information concerning the Food Service and Subsistence Management
Programs within the Marine Corps may be
found in Marine Corps Order P10110.14, "Food Service and Subsistence
Management Manual."
1-4.8 U.S. Army Veterinary Services
As DoD Executive Agent for veterinary services, the U.S. Army Veterinary
Service is responsible for all aspects of military veterinary medicine
which includes food wholesomeness and food safety assurance mission.
Regional Veterinary Service Support Commands are responsible for the
development of a product verification program that will ensure the quality
of food ordered at the food establishment. This program includes cursory
spot checks, specific product audits, and special audits directed by
Defense Personnel Support Activity (DPSC) or at the customers request.
Veterinary services should be utilized to the fullest extent possible by
all Navy and Marine Corps food establishments. Services available are:
a. Training of ordering activity (receiving) personnel in
evaluating food products at receipt, to include delivery vehicle sanitation
and specific commodity knowledge.
Laboratory examination of food products.
c. Development of the approved lists of food suppliers
and the publication of the "Directory of Sanitarily Approved Food
Establishments for Armed Forces Procurement."
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