| ![]() CHAPTER 3
activity is a factor. Techniques abound on how to keep busy in the cockpit, but one over-riding
thing must be kept in mind: You are the only pilot in the aircraft and you must be able to run
everything by yourself.
Brainstorm en route on how to always keep all your NAVAIDs "gainfully employed," if you
are flying GPS aircraft, then use the VOR/TACAN for cross radial references to keep up with
diverts. If you are coming into the terminal area, then back the NAVAIDs up with each other; is
the Localizer lined up with the PAR? Are there cross radials to help you out with where you are
on the approach?
Radios, how can I use the Radios in order to make life easier on myself? Flying into a terminal
area, you can fly UHF the whole way and put in the Tower and Ground freqs in the VHF so that
when you are told to switch to Tower at the FAF all you have to do is toggle VHF/UHF.
Similarly, departing from a cross-country airfield, put Tower and Ground in the VHF and the
Departure freq in the UHF, so when you are told to switch to Departure you can just flip the
UHF/VHF select switch in a time critical phase of flight.
Talk to your IP, there are plenty of other techniques to streamline your "office" during single
seat IFR, feel free to come up with some on your own as well.
Flying into an Air Force Base is not going to be much different from flying into any other
military base, but there will be some terms and procedures that are unique to the Air Force.
Instrument Approaches
Flying an instrument approach into an Air Force Base is no different from flying into any other
military base, but some terminology might catch you off guard.
"Active Runway" - not the "Duty Runway"
"Fix to Fix" - not "Point to Point"
"Initial" - coming up the center of the runway for a crosswind break
"Overhead "- a pattern consisting of coming in for the break
"Two-ship" formation - not a "section"
"Approach end arresting gear" - approach end cables that you want to land past (normally at
fighter bases the cables are up)
VFR Pattern
"Maneuver to initial for the overhead to a full stop" is how you will describe it. Usually you
will tell Tower that you want to maneuver to a "two-mile initial," which means that you will set
up the aircraft rolled out wings level, two miles from the approach end of the active runway and
will call out "two-mile initial." From there, Tower will usually clear you to break.
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