On the Ground
When flying into any military base they close out your flight plan automatically, but it is a
good idea to check; all you have to do is ask the Base Ops personnel to check if your flight plan
is closed out in the computer. "Transient Alert" is usually going to park you, sometimes they
will greet you during taxi in with a "follow me" truck, which you will follow to parking. Keep
the airfield diagram in the instrument approach procedure book open to use as a "road map" for
finding your way around the airfield. If there is no "follow me" available, request "progressive
taxi instructions" from ground to help you get to the parking ramp. Base Operations is where
you go to file and get your weather. If you want to get something to eat you can call the "base
taxi" and they will give you a ride anywhere on base. If you are going to be there overnight, you
can call the base motor pool to get an Air Force van or truck so that you at least have a way to
get around on base.
The conduct of the T-38 INAV flights will be in accordance with what you are taught in INAV
flight procedures, but there are some memory aids that will be mentioned in Air Force training
that you should be familiar with because they are still being taught today. Memory aids in IFR
flying are numerous and it seems that every IP has their own that they were taught at an early
age. Here are a few you may adopt in the Air Force world.
Before stepping out to the aircraft to go fly, make sure you have done the "WANTS" check:
W Check the weather. Note cloud tops/ceilings; ensure circling mins or higher for
formation ops; think about your weather game plan.
A Activate the flight plan.
N Check all applicable NOTAMS.
T Compute TOLD, (TOLD is takeoff and landing data, something you will become very
familiar with in the T-38, e.g., Decision Speed, Takeoff Speed, Single Engine Takeoff
Speed, etc.) Check takeoff procedures (trouble T).
S (SID) Is there an applicable Departure Procedure (DP) from this field that I should look
at, since I am probably going to have to fly it anyway, even if I did not file it?
Before taking off, do your "NEWS" check:
N NAVAIDs set up for the departure.
E Emergency return; what if I had to immediately recover due to an EP after takeoff?
W Do I have the weather to take off/shoot an approach back to this field?
Winds. Check crosswind limits; plan formation lineup.
S SID, review the Departure Procedure one last time before takeoff.
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