c. Procedures
If the Wingman is in Fingertip, Lead will direct the Wingman to the Route
Lead will give lead change signal.
Lead will continue to clear for the formation and track Two with
peripheral vision.
When Two is line abreast, look for Two's head nod; Two now has the
(e) As the new Wing, maintain the last formation position until new Lead
directs otherwise and place the transponder to standby. In other words, if the lead change was
in Route, do not come into Fingertip unless told to do so.
(a) Move to the Route position; do not second-guess Lead! Move no further
forward than abeam position. When Lead directs the lead change, set max power to get
forward line of sight.
(b) When ready to accept the lead and in position abeam (looking at Lead
over your rank) or passing just forward of Lead, (after receiving Lead's lead change signal)
acknowledge your acceptance of the lead with an exaggerated head nod. At this point, the lead
has been passed. Squawk altitude.
Rock wings to signal Wing to the Fingertip position (if desired).
Lead changes may also be accomplished on the radio using the following
Lead: "(Tactical call sign), Two, you have the lead on the left/right."
(b) Wing: Acknowledge. Check in the new Wingman "(Tactical call sign)
Check." The new Lead will then pick up the squawk and the former Lead will squawk standby.
d. Common Errors
Wingman accepts lead early, when not at least abeam.
(2) Wing does not use set max power and takes too long to move abeam. Then
forgets to reduce power once in the lead.
New Lead forgets to squawk "Altitude" with the proper code.
(4) Lead does not clear for the formation when Two is maneuvering abeam. Do not
stop clearing until Two is abeam! Make momentary glances to monitor his position.
New Wingman forgets to squawk "Standby."
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