| ![]() CHAPTER 5
a. Description. The pitchout is similar to the "180 degree breakup and rendezvous"
taught in primary. The pitchout is used to introduce spacing in the formation for practice
Rejoins, initiate a G-exercise, or indicate that the wingman should take spacing in the overhead
pattern break or closed pull-up.
b. General. Pitchouts can be accomplished in either direction, but always away from
the wingman. When not accomplished as part of a G-exercise or pattern break/closed the
pitchout is usually a steep banked level turn of 180 degrees or more followed by a Rejoin to
fingertip. A pitchout is an effective technique to quickly reverse direction when pressing area
boundaries. The pitchout maneuver is always initiated with the wingman in fingertip.
c. Procedures
If the wingman is in Route, direct him to fingertip with three small wing
(b) Lead gives the pitchout signal. (Circling finger similar to "breakup and
rendezvous" signal [see Appendix A]. Wing will not acknowledge the signal. There is no USAF
equivalent to the "kiss off" signal.)
(c) Clear in the direction of turn then Lead aggressively banks away from the
wingman using 60 or more degrees of bank while adding power to 1015 torque and maintaining
altitude. Continue turn for approximately 180 degrees of heading change.
(d) After rolling out on heading and sufficient time has elapsed for the
wingman to complete the turn and roll out in trail (typically 5 seconds) initiate a Rejoin by
giving three large wing rocks. Follow appropriate Rejoin procedures.
Observe Lead's pitchout signal.
(b) Wait 5 seconds after Lead turns away then turn aggressively to follow,
turn. Plan to roll out at Lead's six o'clock position.
(c) Roll out directly in trail behind lead with the lead aircraft approximately
one "fist width" above the horizon.
Follow appropriate Rejoin procedures when you observe lead rock wings.
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