Radio failure in a formation can produce a potentially confusing and hazardous situation. Before
executing NORDO procedures, attempt radio communications on both the UHF and VHF radio.
If NORDO, the formation should maintain VMC and conduct the following procedures.
Section Flights. The NORDO aircraft will pass the appropriate visual signal and should initially
be placed in the lead position to troubleshoot and attempt to reestablish radio communications.
If radio contact cannot be reestablished, the aircraft with the good radios shall be placed in the
lead position to lead the flight home. The good aircraft will inform approach and tower Wing is
NORDO and coordinate for ALDIS lamp signals.
If Lead experiences a radio failure after the VFR entry point for the runway in use, a lead change
will not be conducted. Lead should pass the appropriate visual signal and Wing will handle
communications, inform tower Lead is NORDO, and coordinate for ALDIS lamp signals. Lead
should watch Wing for the break clearance. Wing will point at Lead and give the kiss-off signal
when break clearance is received.
Division Solo Flight. During a division solo flight, indicate to the other solo in the flight of your
radio failure by passing the appropriate visual signal. The solo with the good radios will inform
the chase instructor immediately. The solo with the good radios should be placed in the lead
position to lead the flight home.
If Lead experiences a radio failure after the VFR entry point for the runway in use, a lead change
will not be conducted. Lead should pass the appropriate visual signal to Wing who will inform
the Chase. The Chase will handle communications and coordinate for ALDIS lamp signals.
Lead should watch Wing for the break clearance. Wing will point at Lead and give the kiss-off
signal when break clearance is received.
If the Solo Chase loses his radios, he will advise Lead through hand signals and give the landing
signal. Lead will break up the flight and each aircraft will return as individual solos. The
designated Lead solo will inform approach and tower the chase aircraft is inbound NORDO.
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