Solo flights will maneuver as necessary to maintain VMC.
However, if IMC is encountered, proceed with the above
procedures. If VMC conditions are regained at any point, maintain
VMC and communicate your condition to the others in the flight.
In the event Wing loses sight of the leader in VMC, Wing will immediately call "[tac call sign]
two is Blind." The leader will immediately attempt to establish visual contact. If successful,
Lead will call the visual to Wing using the Wing's clock position, direct a rejoin when Wing is
visual, and continue the flight. If unsuccessful, proceed as indicated below.
Lead. Check the area clear and climb 200 feet above the working altitude. Proceed direct to the
prebriefed rendezvous point (visual landmark or a radial/DME fix). Establish a 20 angle of
bank, left orbit at 150 knots until the flight is rejoined. Lead will descend to the working altitude
once Wing completes the rendezvous.
Wing. Immediately call "[tac call sign] two is Blind", check the area clear, and descend 200
feet below the working altitude. Proceed direct to the pre-briefed point (or the point Lead tells
you to go to). When you call Lead in sight (i.e., "[tac call sign] two is Visual"), Lead will direct
a rendezvous.
Naval aircraft collision warning system (NACWS) will not be used
as a primary means to rejoin the flight. NACWS may enhance
situational awareness but will not be able to tell you specifically
who you are looking at on the display. In order for NACWS to be
of any use however, Wing should squawk 1200 and "Alt" so the
Lead will get a NACWS display "hit" on Wing.
Solo Chase. The Solo Chase instructor will be directive to the solos using the radio. If a rejoin
is not feasible, the chase will direct the solos to return to home field as individual aircraft.
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