Reference: AIM, Chapter 5; NIFM Chapter 29, "Missed Approach."
Amplification A Missed Approach is a procedure used to discontinue an instrument
approach in the event visual contact has not been established or the aircraft is not in a position to
make a safe landing. Your primary concern, if unable to land, is to climb to a safe altitude.
Therefore, establishing and maintaining a positive rate of climb should be your first reaction if a
Missed Approach is commenced. Your second reaction should be to turn the aircraft (if required)
to intercept the missed approach course or to the designated heading. (There may be a mountain
dead ahead.)
The Missed Approach instructions are found in the profile view of the approach plate. The
student shall review the Missed Approach instructions prior to the FAF, or once established on
final if no FAF is depicted.
When flying practice approaches, ATC frequently assigns climbout
instructions that differ from the published Missed Approach
Procedures. You are expected to fly the assigned climbout
instructions vice Missed Approach Procedures when executing a
Missed Approach.
Missed Approach Prior to the FAF
If executing an instrument approach and full scale deflection of the
CDI occurs PRIOR to the FAF, the pilot should make every attempt
to return back onto course. If unable to reestablish the aircraft on
course, do not descend below the FAF altitude, inform ATC, and
follow ATC instructions.
Missed Approach Between the FAF and MAP
If executing an instrument approach and full scale deflection of the
CDI occurs at any time between the FAF and the MAP, the pilot
shall make every attempt to reestablish the aircraft on the final
approach course. If an intercept cannot be safely established, begin
an IMMEDIATE climb on the depicted Missed Approach altitude
(or altitude ATC has assigned in the event of a Missed Approach),
fly to the MAP and execute the Missed Approach Procedure.
Advise ATC at the earliest opportunity.
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