Missed Approach from a Circling Maneuver
If visual reference with any identifiable part of the airport is lost while circling to land from an
instrument approach (unless the inability to see an identifiable part of the airport results only from
a normal bank of the aircraft during the circling approach), the Missed Approach specified for that
particular procedure must be followed (unless an alternate Missed Approach Procedure is
specified by ATC).
To become established on the prescribed Missed Approach course, the pilot should make an
initial climbing turn toward the landing runway and continue the turn until he/she is established
on the Missed Approach course. Because there are many variations to the circletoland
maneuver, different patterns may be required to become established on the prescribed Missed
Approach course, depending on the aircraft position at the time and the time visual reference is
lost (Figure 714).
Figure 714 Missed Approach from a Circling Maneuver
Adherence to the procedure will assure that an aircraft will remain within the circling and missed
approach obstruction clearance areas.
At locations where ATC Radar Service is provided, the pilot should
conform to radar vectors when provided by ATC in lieu of the
published Missed Approach Procedure.
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