Another problem in holding patterns that require timing is encountered if we have a strong
headwind component when inbound to the holding fix. For the first correction orbit, a minimum
time of 30 seconds outbound will be used. In any event, it is essential that you clear the cone of
confusion in order to fix your position relative to the holding fix. If, after repeated correction
orbits, you determine you need to eliminate outbound timing entirely, you have an extremely
strong headwind. When you cross the holding fix inbound, start a StandardRate Turn in the
proper direction. Roll wings level momentarily on the wind corrected outbound heading, then
continue the turn until you are established inbound to the fix.
If wind speed and its angular relationship to the holding pattern
make holding difficult, consider requesting a different pattern that is
more suitably oriented with respect to the wind.
Reference: NIFM Part V, "TACAN Holding."
Amplification TACAN holding is a procedure used to delay aircraft at a TACAN fix
until further clearance may be obtained from Air Traffic Control. TACAN holding is
accomplished at a DME fix away from the station. The TACAN pattern can be orientated on any
course, radial or route directed by the controller when not a published holding pattern.
Figure 629. (TACAN holding is not generally flown over the station due to the large cone of
confusion as compared to VOR.)
This form of holding is commonly encountered at the Initial Approach Fix (IAF) for an Arcing or
Straightin Approach Procedure. ATC will normally clear an aircraft from its present position
direct to the IAF for TACAN holding. Employ TACAN PointtoPoint procedures. Two
examples are depicted using the TACAN RWY 17 approach at Corpus Christi, TX, and the
TACAN RWY 23 approach at Whiting Field, FL (Figures 630 and 631).
Holding at an enroute fix, utilizing DME is also possible. Figure 632, holding at REDDI, is an
example of this situation.
Procedure Procedures for TACAN holding are basically the same as VOR station
holding; however, the following amplifying information is provided:
Certain holding patterns will be published as a part of an approach plate or a low
altitude chart. ATC will not issue a detailed holding clearance for these patterns. A
sample of this type clearance would be:
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