when flying along a flight planned routing or along a final approach course where auto-
sequencing of waypoints is required. An example of this is when given radar vectors to the FAF,
select OBS mode on the GPS, select the FAF as the active waypoint, and set the final approach
course in the CDI. Once established on the inbound course and prior to the FAF, reselect LEG
mode on the GPS.
Overlay approaches consist of GPS waypoints overlayed on conventional (VOR, VOR/DME
etc...) non-precision approaches (i.e., VOR or GPS-A at CEW pg 6-49). Though overlays have
the same minimums as the underlying approach, they offer the opportunity to fly an instrument
approach procedure using GPS. Because GPS approaches are designed as a TO-TO system
(meaning you navigate to one fix, cross it and proceed to the next fix), overlays are not a perfect
fit with the underlying procedure. Some conventional approaches, for example, have no FAFs, so
GPS would not be able to navigate to a fix, nor would it know when to switch the CDI sensitivity.
This problem is solved by inserting synthetic, GPS-specific "sensor final approach fixes" on
approach overlays when required. There are various GPS overlay approach fix naming standards
involving characters and numbers. It is not critical that the student memorize the naming
methods, however, it is important to recognize that the GPS database uses this protocol. Listed
below are examples of GPS overlay fixes the student may see as they scroll through the fix list:
A DME arc fix, with the "D" meaning DME, 006 the radial and "J" the
distance, 10 miles (J is the 10th letter of the alphabet)
Alongtrack fix at DME 19
FAF on 142 course
MAF on 142 course
MAP, runway 14
Capture or course fix on the 151 radial
If any of the above listed fixes are an actual five-letter named fix, they will have a dash and a
small letter suffix at the end of the waypoint. These suffixes are intended to assist the pilot in
recognizing certain points during the approach, and are visible on the FPL 0, Super NAV 5 and
Super NAV 1 pages. The IAF is denoted by (-i), for example FREBY-i. The FAF is denoted by
(-f), for example ELMOO-f. The MAP is denoted by (-m), for example MA25B-m. The missed
approach holding point is denoted by (-h), for example FITON-h.
GPS overlay approaches that contain final approach step-
down fixes may not have corresponding waypoints in the
associated GPS approach. It is the pilot's responsibility to
identify these points relative to charted GPS waypoints.
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