pressed when the GPS is in approach active mode, the GPS will deselect approach active and
return the system to approach arm mode and CDI scale to +1 NM. Once past the FAF, it is not
possible to return to the approach active mode without conducting a missed approach and flying
back to the FAF.
In no case will pilots fly the final approach segment using
manual waypoint sequencing.
Use of the KLN900 may cause excessive "Heads-down" time.
Aircrews must continue to maintain a vigilant "See and Avoid"
doctrine while conducting GPS approaches in VMC.
On final, the CDI is the primary reference. The GPS needle
points to the active waypoint and will rotate as the aircraft passes
the waypoint.
If the receiver does not sequence into the approach mode or a RAIM failure/status annunciation
occurs prior to the FAWP, the pilot should not descend to Minimum Descent Altitude (MDA), but
should proceed to the MAWP via the FAWP, perform a missed approach, and contact ATC as
soon as practical. If the RAIM flag/status annunciation appears after the FAWP, the missed
approach should be executed immediately by climbing to the FAF altitude and flying along the
final approach course to the MAWP and conduct the published missed approach procedure.
Turns should not begin prior to the MAWP.
The "PRESS GPS APR FOR NAV" message can appear after the
NAV flag has been set due to a RAIM problem while the unit is in
the approach mode. By pressing the GPS APR button, the unit will
be able to restore navigation information so that you can conduct a
missed approach based on navigation information provided by
KLN900, otherwise you will receive no useful information from
the KLN900.
Once an approach has been added to the active flight plan, a new entry is placed following the
missed approach point. The new line entry reads "NO WPT SEQ" and stands for no waypoint
sequencing. Because many missed approach procedures require certain specific actions to be
completed prior to proceeding to the missed approach holding point, the GPS will not
automatically sequence past the MAP. To call up the missed approach procedure, press the
"Direct To" button once past the MAP. The first waypoint in the missed approach procedure will
be the active waypoint. To confirm the missed approach procedure waypoint, press "ENT".
Always refer to the approach plate when conducting the missed approach and comply with the
charted missed approach procedures. Missed approach routings in which the first track is via a
course rather than direct to the next waypoint require additional action by the pilot to set the
course. Being familiar with all of the inputs required is especially critical during this phase of
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