| ![]() T-34C CONTACT
The secret to a good approach is to solve lineup problems early. After rolling out on
straightaway, if the centerline is not between your legs, correct immediately and
positively. Following this correction, continue to scan lineup, making small
corrections as necessary. Do not ease yourself to centerline, or a counter-correction
will have to be made close to the touchdown point of the runway.
Rolling wings level while aligning the airplane with the runway centerline, the nose
attitude should be maintained and a slight reduction in power may be necessary to
compensate for the increase in lift. Slight adjustments in pitch, changes of nose
attitude, and power may be necessary to maintain the descent attitude while gradually
decelerating. When the nose attitude and airspeed have been stabilized, the airplane
should be retrimmed to relieve the pressures being held on the controls. Do not slow
below 80/90 KIAS until commencing the landing transition.
The straightaway portion of the approach has some very closely defined dimensions
and these enable the pilot to establish constant visual checkpoints. The dimensions
are depicted below (Figure 7-6).
t Path
100' - 150' AGL
1200' -1500'
Figure 7-6 The "Straightaway"
To maintain a constant glideslope, it is necessary to maintain a fairly constant
airspeed and rate of descent. Given that the aircraft has a constant attitude for each
airspeed, power, and configuration combination, we will be able to reference the nose
position to glideslope and intended point of landing. (Figure 7-7).
Line of Sig
Figure 7-7 Line of Sight
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