This stage of your flight training is primarily devoted to the performance of aerobatic maneuvers
and the further refinement of the maneuvers previously introduced.
Aerobatic flight training is essential to your development as an effective military pilot.
Experience gained through aerobatic training will increase your confidence and enhance your
understanding of practical aerodynamics. Your coordination, timing, and ability to maintain
spatial orientation will improve as you learn by flying the aircraft through the various aerobatic
The ability to perform aerobatic maneuvers skillfully is in large part due to an innate "sense of
feel" which is developed through practical experience. Mechanical execution of the procedures
alone will not produce the desired results. The pilot must continually analyze and make control
adjustments based upon a constant flow of visual, tactile, and even aural feedback.
Increased demands will be made upon your airwork as you improve your consistency and
precision in the landing pattern. You will also perform angle of attack (AOA) approaches for the
purpose of introducing landing procedures which are used exclusively in fixed wing Naval
Carrier Aviation and to some degree in the USAF.
Aerobatic flight training is as challenging as it is exciting. Study this instruction thoroughly.
The better you prepare yourself on the ground, the quicker you will begin to develop your "sense
of feel" while in the air. Careful study and preparation will ensure that you receive the
maximum benefit from this training while maintaining the highest possible level of flight safety.
Due to their unique nature, there are certain rules and precautions you must observe prior to
performing any aerobatic maneuver. FRRs and local SOP will prescribe restrictions governing
the airspace within which you may perform aerobatic maneuvers. Ensure that you are
thoroughly familiar with these regulations. Strict compliance is mandatory.
All aerobatic maneuvers will be from aerobatic cruise. This is defined as trimmed and balanced
flight utilizing the maximum allowable power setting (1015 ft-bs.). Transition to aerobatic
cruise by increasing power to maximum allowable and trimming for straight and level balanced
flight. This will normally result in an indicated airspeed between 180 and 190 KIAS. Once the
aircraft is trimmed for aerobatic cruise, leave the trim tabs where they are and do not adjust them
while performing the various aerobatic maneuvers. Remember that one of the basic reasons that
aerobatic training is performed is so that you may develop a "sense of feel" under constantly
changing attitudes and airspeeds. The use of trim tabs would defeat this objective by altering the
feel of the controls.
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