The components include the receiver in the avionics compartment, a rigid "V"-shaped wire
antenna on the top of the vertical stabilizer and the control panel on the multifunction panel of
each right console (Figure 11-5).
When the power switch is placed ON, the pilot can select the desired frequency using the manual
frequency selectors and the frequency indicator. If a reliable signal is received, the VOR needle
on the RMI will indicate the magnetic bearing to the selected station. (If the VOR has not locked
onto a good signal, it will park the needle at the 3 o'clock position on the RMI.) To verify that the
correct station is tuned, select the VOR position with the VOR audio mixer switch on the audio
panel, adjust the volume on the VOR control panel and listen to the Morse Code Identifier.
TACAN Navigational Receiver
The TACAN is a navigational receiver that provides the pilots with azimuth and line-of-sight
distance information to a selected navigational aid. It has a range of approximately 290 NM.
The components include the transceiver and bearing adapter in the avionics compartment, a blade
type antenna on the underside of the fuselage just forward of the ventral fins, and the control
panel on the multifunction panel on each right console (Figure 11-5).
When the mode selector is placed in the STBY position, only bearing information is received.
When the mode selector is placed in the T/R position, it allows reception of bearing and distance
information. The channel selectors allow selection of 126 "X" band and 126 "Y" band preset
channels. (The "X" band channels are normally the only channels used.) The selected channel is
displayed on the channel indicator.
Two buttons are located on the TACAN panel to ground check the operation of the TACAN and
VOR. When the TEST button is depressed, 188X will be shown in the TACAN display and
188.88 in the VOR display. When the SYS TEST button is depressed, the TACAN needle on the
RMI will point to 180 (+ 3.5), the VOR needle will point to 000 005 degrees, and the DME
will show .0 or .1 on the Naval Aircraft Collision Warning System (NACWS) display unit (Figure
Global Positioning System (GPS)
The KLN900 is a satellite based, long range navigation system. It is used for IFR enroute,
terminal, and nonprecision approach operations. The system incorporates two panel mounted,
eight channel receiver/control/display units (Figure 11-6), both located on the left side of the
instrument panel in each cockpit. Each unit includes a battery for stored flight plans and other
user data. Both AC and DC power are required for operation.
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