Figure 4-4 Part II: En Route Data Section
Blocks 14 and 15: Flight Level Winds/Temperature
This block is filled in with data from the Winds-Aloft Forecasts (FDs) and Winds-Aloft
Prognostic Charts. However, forecasters will generally not choose a flight altitude for you; that
is your decision to make before handing in the DD 175 to METRO. Thus, the sources used to fill
in the following blocks should be given an overview by the aircrew before the flight weather
brief in order to select a flight altitude, as will be discussed in the next section, Selection of a
Flight Level.
Blocks 16 and 17: Clouds and Visibility at Flight Level
Clouds at flight level and minimum visibility at flight level will generally be apparent from the
overall weather picture provided during the weather briefing. This information may be
supplemented with Pilot Weather Reports, which are also useful in obtaining other information
not readily accessible in other specific charts and reports. These are available in Teletype format
under the heading "UA."
Notice there are three boxes within Block 16 that may be checked. A check in the "YES" box
represents a forecast for greater than 45% of the time spent in clouds at the flight level in Block
14. A check in the "NO" box indicates less than 1% of the time will be spent in clouds, while a
check in the "IN AND OUT" box indicates between 1% and 45% of the flight will be through
clouds. If it is more practical to check more than one block to better represent cloud conditions,
then the corresponding locations will be entered above the additional blocks.
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