| ![]() d. Training. Installation Commanders shall ensure that all railroad operating personnel
are thoroughly trained and familiar with the contents of the local railroad operating directive.
This training shall be documented to show the subject, material covered, type of training
(classroom, correspondence, manual review, video, etc.), the instructor, date of training, results of
tests and trainee's signature.
e. Annual Reviews of Local Railroad Operating Directive. Installation Commanders
shall ensure that the local railroad operating directive is reviewed annually. Installation
Commanders shall prepare a letter stating who reviewed the directive, when the review was
conducted, and whether changes were made. This letter shall be maintained until the next review.
The focus of the review is to ensure that the document properly addresses changes in railroad
operating policy that must be made to safely accommodate changes in the installation's way of
doing business. All new Installation Commanders shall review this document within 90 days of
assuming command.
Hazard Notification System.
a. General. Track conditions can change over a period of time. Examples include but
are not limited to out-of-service track, defective track, hazards, completion of track repairs, and
changes in speed limits. These conditions require train crews to modify their actions and the way
they handle their trains. Relying solely on passing this kind of information informally by word of
mouth does not ensure that all train crews will be notified and can lead to controversy and
confusion over what was actually said.
b. Requirements. Installation Commanders shall establish a system to ensure the daily
dissemination of key information. The system also needs to require written acknowledgment by all
rail personnel that they have read the key information. The system needs to cover personnel who
have been on leave for a period of time. Records resulting from this hazard notification system
shall be maintained for at least 12 months. An effective and efficient way to record rail crew
acknowledgment of items on the hazard notification list is to use an electronic print board to list
hazards such as changing track conditions, out of service track, slow orders, and other safety
related information. Personnel are required to sign the board, thereby acknowledging they
understand the hazards. Printing the board after the crews have signed provides a convenient way
to maintain a permanent record of the key information and the personnel who read it. The printed
record also provides a record to be read and acknowledged by those returning from an absence.
a. General. Refresher training is important for continued success in any discipline or
skill. In railroad operations, training is vital to ensure that safety is achieved. Small points can
easily be forgotten, and small points are frequently the difference between safe railroading and
disaster. Maintaining a catalogue of refresher training courses is a convenient way to ensure that
refresher training is accomplished.
b. Requirements. Installation Commanders shall:
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